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how do you use cannabis?

the garden guy


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yeah I'm about the same as tom , except I'm the chef in the house ;)


tried vapes ect and it just didn't do it for me even though uit gets it in the system I still find iu need a bong straight after ;) , although I must say for a person who hasn't smoked bongs for years I may sugest they start and stick to vapes so they never get a desire for that "bong hit " cause I mean it is the "healthy" option

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i only ever smoke bongs...personally i think joints are the single best way of wasting mj :thumbdown never tried a vape but im always keen to give one a go B)


not only do joints just burn away ya mj, they take forever and a year to kick in and u gotta smoke heaps of them to get a decent buzz....to 1 joint i put about 3 cones worth of smoko...those 3 cones would get me 5-10x as stoned as i would if i smoked the joint :thumbdown


tried cookies a couple of times...really didnt do all that much except for this one time they were made decently and i got that smashed it wasnt funny :smoke might have been also due to the gram or so i started smoking after about an hour after eating the cookie but i could just barely feel the cookie kicking in and then after the first cone i was totalled :smoke

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I really didn't take to the vape, I'm with Pure there, used to have to smoke a bong afterwards to make sure I was bent 
Yeah, they do leave you wondering a bit there. :scratchin
not only do joints just burn away ya mj, they take forever and a year to kick in and u gotta smoke heaps of them to get a decent buzz....to 1 joint i put about 3 cones worth of smoko...those 3 cones would get me 5-10x as stoned as i would if i smoked the joint 
Pretty much my sentiments too, plus the bong is the fastest way to get bent in my opinion, much quicker to pack a cone than rolling or vaporising. B)



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