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was looking on www.cannagenetics.com and seen a post by the owner of the site

as follows:-


Is Honesty, worth while? 


Dear CGI Members Despite Private Investigators, Police and Human Intervention of a Vindictive kind from All levels, I have registered the site as a business for legal reasons. This has disturbed the Authorities! ;) The Taxation Office is aware of my activities and ALL has been declared. Australian Authorities unfortunately don't Act with Integrity. They've played an unethical game from the start so I'm not sure what to expect from this point on. Lets see if it's worth being Honest. Cannabis Genetics Index BN 18952501 


looks like these guys are in trouble with oz goverment.



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I know this site well and all i can say is honesty should always be the way .But is it really that easy to annoy the oz government?i have no-idea as im not from oz and have never been but would love to and plan to as you have beautiful landscapes from what i have seen on tv :;):

peace and fight the power but peacefully and honestly P_L :yingyang

p.s yeah hippy man

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i honestly dont know what cannagenetics has done to piss off the australian government but seriously how bad could it be? pretty much all the site does is list strains and pics + sell seeds...WOOPEE FUCKING DO :o there are other aussie seedbanks and im pretty sure they are not being hassled as yet for not paying tax or GST but then again im quite certain they are not registered as a business ;)


why doesnt the owner of cannagenetics register the company in holland or some place where mj is legal? host it on a server in the UK and just transfer the domain? would be piss easy + they could get away with it...


with the new internet laws in Oz, i would be more worried about federal police monitoring peoples post - troube attracts trouble.


what laws could be so bad that we have to watch what we post? if the police raid me for saying im growing 100 plants or what ever i would say i was merely big noting myself to feel better ;) how can they prove otherwise? maybe with pics, but then again i used kazaa to download them :whistling just saying if the police wanna be dicks about things and try and bust a person for something they say online they have alot to prove ;)


does it actually say on the site why/how the oz govt. is pissed and what they are doing about it? or is it just a time will tell kinda thing? IMO that site is invaluable and someone should burn it to a CD and distribute it...totally amazing site and it has almost every strain known :smoke

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Hey bro,


the police now have the power to electronicly search computers without a warrant, collect IP's and addresses if they think you are funding terroist by growing a few plants, even though unlikly- but legaly they can.


The used to have to go to a judge plede (show evidence) there case and get warrant - now they dont.


The police state is coming - our rights to privatcy get eroded every year with new laws that get passed by parliment - all in the name of kepping us safe - that is fucking bullshit - its all the name of slavery, control of the masses.


Believe me people, troubleing times are coming....




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the police now have the power to electronicly search computers without a warrant, collect IP's and addresses
Not for long, better firewalls and proxies are being developed all the time, they need to be able to see your computer on the net to invade it, with a good firewall you are pretty much invisible and if you are using a good proxy they won't know if you are in Oz or Timbuktu.


i would be more worried about federal police monitoring peoples post
What we are doing does not contravene federal laws (except when using federal services like Aust Post), only state laws so there shouldn't be too much risk of them getting involved, if we were trading in seeds, clones, etc then there could be a few problems but as we don't they will leave it to the state police and they simply don't have the budget to spend all that money on minor offences like personal growing. This is where I’m so glad I live in Oz and not the US, the system of law making there is totally screwed.


Besides if anything was to start they would have to get past Pure and all his safeguards first. :;):



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the way it stands on OSA atm they would have to break to retrive your ip's which is still illeagl for them to do. and automaticly would assist in throwing your case out of court, ip logs are not kept here on the server nor are the logs of where pics ect where uploaded from , the only thing that stores info on you here is the database which they couldn't accsess without breaking "terrorisim laws " and belive me imo the peopel we use would love the chance to charge a government autority ;)


I pride myself on takign care of you all on here security wise and am always available to those that need help in hiding and protecting themselfs ,


I can't say the same for places that give out partial ip's ;)

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