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Cannabis and crime.

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A new study has up-ended popular notions that crime comes before drug use among women who end up in jail.


The Australian Institute of Criminology looked at the cases of 470 women who were in jail in 2003, following on from previous research that found criminal activity tended to precede drug use.


Researcher Holly Johnson found that among the case studies in the latest report, drug use more often preceded the felonies.


The research found 35 per cent of women used illegal drugs prior to offending, 31 per cent began using illegal drugs and began offending within the same year and 34 per cent began offending prior to any illegal drug use.


"This shows that, in general, women in prison were twice as likely as men to have used drugs prior to offending," Ms Johnson said in her report.





Author: AAP

Date: January 10, 2005 - 1:49PM

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald.

Copyright: © 2005 AAP



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are they really trying to say that drug use causes people to turn to crime because they used drugs before becoming a criminal?


what a laugh eh?

Its the same as saying that toilet paper causes drug use, because they used it before using the drugs? :;):


Sure if they mean heavy drugs, then they may be talking about addicts. I know they will do anything for a hit. ;)

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I agree with some of it .


have seen it over and over - people on speed or smack, HAVE TO do B&E to cover the cost of there habit, the damage it does on family life is untold horror.


Have been around the situation of hard drugs in my past, and the amount of people that are addicted to that shit is staggering, and I dont just mean junkie horrs on the street. I mean all walks of life are on it.


Eventually the boys in blue catch up with you - doing all those crimes to cover your next shot.


But as for cannabis, never ever heard of somebody doing crime to buy a stick.



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