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Anyone using powerheads in DWC??

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Provided the surface tension of the water is broken sufficiently by the powerhead, you should be laughing all the way to the harvest room.


You may have some issues with the pump drawing in roots though, as the constant sucking, unless far enough away from the plants, will encourage root growth towards the impeller. Still, nothing to say you can't have a larger container and the plant situated on one side of the bubbler to compensate. :P


The more you can break the surface of the water, the more air you'll get into the water. It's not the bubbles underneath the water from an airstone which dissolve o2 into the solution, it's the breaking of the surface tension by said bubbles when they reach the surface that actually dissolves air into it. So a powerhead, with enough strength, can certainly keep a solution aerated most happily for plant growth. :P

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Hey bro - buy some soaker hose from bunnings and place in bottom of bucket in a circle and hook up a large air pump (like one for a spray gun) onto it - ---> the bottom of the bucket wil become a froth of air and nutrients ----> heaps better than a magnetic pump and powerhead combined - but can be a bit noisy if you buy a cheap one.


It has been said - but heat of the DWC buckets is a big problem ----> no more then 22 degress -----> if its 23 degress get a water chiller, the extra yeild u will get will more than pay for it.


Dont use the black hose that most hydro shops sell - it captures heat 2 quickly - get the yellow/blue hose at bunnings as its lots more insulated.



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But yeah, water temp is critical in DWC, particularly. If the temps are too far up, there is no physical way to get enough o2 into the solution as it can only hold a certain amount, when it gets hotter that amount decreases, substantially.


DWC is definitely not a summer growing method IMO. There is little insulation for the root system, and indoor conditions, (unless you have the space, time and money to do everything larger scale, and therefore economical as well) can be pretty harsh in Oz in the summer months. Mind you, that's only 3 months of the year, and you may only have a couple of months of hot weather, depending on where you live of course.


Those water chillers sound good, but 4hp? That's pretty darn powerful man. What's the smallest size they do them in? Cheers jack. :D

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