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kell the idea behoind the coke bottle is simple and cuts out the need for a " clone box " , if ya have the cash I'd get one of the kits that spurios sugested , as the vents are an advantage , when they start to root alternativy a pretty much free dome can be made from any empty clear bottle , provided you lift it daily the platn won't suffocate and fresh air can be exchanged , as they start to form roots you simply punch a hole in the bottle , one of these over each plant does the same job and a humidity dome or clone box so in the end it's all about choices budget and wants :P
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plastic bottles work well.

I remember the days of using them to clone my outdoor plants. but back then the bottles had a black plastic stand thing on the bottom which made a perfect

pot for the clone. and the top fitted in to it like a glove.


I use different methods most grows and my current clones are now doing well, but it took awhile to get roots.

I have them sitting in a chilly bin on my hot water system out doors.

they are up on a brick thats in about 1 inch of water.

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Yup, that's pretty much it. You'll get more light from the CF by hanging it in a shade of some description, or having it hanging horizontally. :P You may just want to hold it vertically though, and have some reflective material on either wall like panda film or flat white paint. Clones prefer much milder light levels than growing MJ plants, and the diffused light from a fluoro in the cool white spectra is best. :P


You should consider some sort of gentle ventilation of the clone room, (not the humidicrib, as this is ventilated via the butterfly vents on the sides and the top.) a small 125mm 240v fan would be perfect, or even a 12v 10cm should do the trick provided the room isn't too huge. Once again, the clones prefer a gentler environment than their parents, with slower air movement and more humidity. That's what the humidicrib is for, supplying adequate levels of humidity for the cuttings whilst they grow a new root system.


You could also seriously consider a product called the AQUAMISER. I use this quite frequently in taking clones, and whilst the individual number is down I find that because the clones are able to root in not just the rockwool cube, but perlite in the pots as well, then they seem to get a better start. Rockwool cubes are fine, don't get me wrong, but my plants are stronger, and faster to recover from cloning when I use this method.


The site at aquamiser.com.au seems to be down. :P But it's a damn good unit and a WA product too, so I think it rocks. :P You could try a local garden center and see what they say.

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Thanks Luke for your reply, was keen to hear yours and the product from WA sounds good. Good that it works for you.


XPATSEEDS.COM has made my day complete, the link you gave was everything i wanted to know.


I now feel 110% confident to go out and do this tomorrow, i know excactly what i need and where to get it from.


Thanks Pure, Spurious, Tom, Pickle, Ferengi, Luke and Xpat. Without people like you guys, people like me would have no idea on how to grow or clone or even know how to construct a grow room without spending $1200 on a fridge!


There are others, but thanks everyone!










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Just two small questions that are bugging me....


Do i need the light on 24/7?


Does the humidcrib have to be in another box with no light other than the CF globe? Instead of placing it inside a big cupboard/cabinet, I thought of putting inside the house, amybe laundry somewhere in the little pantry cupboard perhaps, good idea?


I got thrown off from this post -->




In love with the setup, so complex and small.


now i'm 99% :P

Edited by Kelly_J
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