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Dogs sniff out drugs in new police operation

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Northern Territory police have issued a warning to drug users and sellers after a new unit of the force was put into operation on New Year's Eve.


Police dogs Scent and Monty were on the beat and despite torrential downpours in Darwin, were able to find five nightclubbers in possession of amphetamines and cannabis.


Superintendent Mark Christopher says the labradors' success will mean their continued use.


"Certainly where there are people there tend to be illicit drugs, if there are illicit drugs we'll run these type of operations," he said.


"The key to this is they'll be random and people won't know where to expect them."


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they had the same thing in melbourne and got a ton of people :thumbdown


not too sure about the number but i remember them saying on sky news that the largest stash of pills they found that night on a single person was 47 pills :P


it was pretty bullshit too...the dogs would would walk around sniffing everyone and when they caught wiff of something they liked, they would continue walking with the person and all of a sudden undercover cops would act like they are playing high school football and just crach tackle the person to the ground :thumbdown i dont think they should have showed that clip on tv but oh well, if the police wanna look bad its their fault...


funny thing is, police cant pull u up and search u on the spot without a good reason..because 1 of their dogs sniffed ya ass crack and walked along with you for 5 seconds, apparently they have the right to slam u into the ground. handcuff you, then conduct a search and in many cases making the person being searched drop their pants infront of everyone :thumbdown IMO this is unacceptable and i swear to god if it happens to me i would sue the police and fight till i couldnt no more to get sniffer dogs banned from public events and so fourth....oh and then there is the police brutality charges i would lay out against them as well :smoke


fucking police suck ass :thumbdown IMO a better way of handling this would have been to close off certain areas for people to party in and check people as they go through the gates or what ever is setup to prevent people just walking in and out at will....have a few signs saying u will be searched over by a sniffer dog, any problems with that, dont party here....give everyone that goes in the once over and then let them party....sure they wouldnt have found many drugs if any at all, BUT it would have made the police look like they were supervising instead of policing and IMO thats what the police need to look like at events such as near years eve celebrations :smoke

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Moral to the story,



Dont take drugs into clubs/pubs. Leave them in the car and use/deal from there. You got to be pretty hard up or a glory hunter if you want to sell drugs in a club/pub anyway.





ps. fucking police state is right up our arse, future looks worse if history is anything to go by.

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I got nabbed by the sniffer dogs yonks ago while in the city.. It smelt me and straight away sat down infront of me.. It was from cones a hour or so earlier.. When the officer asked when i had smoked i replied this morning and your dogs got a wicked nose... The arsewipes chest stuck out and he was all happy with his mutt.. Didnt even record my details just told me to go on my way.. Agree with jack but id rather consume them before hand....

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::P: :P That happened to me at the Perth domestic airport! I had a huge session before me and Tom went to pick his daughter up, we grabbed some munchies as you do :P (plane from Melb was late) and pulled up a pew near the gate. I was halfway thru my sandwich when this big fat-arsed quarantine guy walks past with a beagle, and he's eating a sandwich too. This beagle would've been about 10 metres away, stopped dead still, turned my way and started heading towards me like a fucking steam train. Lucky the dude was eating, he checked me out, then yanked the dog back and basically dragged it away, still munchin on his sandwich.

Meanwhile, I'm halfway through the fucking roof ::P: :(

They've got an awesomely scary sense of smell man ! ;)

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This beagle would've been about 10 metres away, stopped dead still, turned my way and started heading towards me like a fucking steam train. Lucky the dude was eating, he checked me out, then yanked the dog back and basically dragged it away, still munchin on his sandwich.


this is why u MUST take a mini water gun filled with bong water when u go to an airport :whistling dog comes a running, u give it a single shot in the nose, im thinking that dogs only gonna be smelling weed for the next few days :P or u could just do what habbib did on fat pizza and just feed the dog your stash and watch it fall over and pass out :whistling


even still, taking water guns loaded with bong water is a good idea...just go to the venue a couple of days before hand and spray all around the place...the dogs wont know what the hell is going on and would probably only catch 5% of their quota :scratchin

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the scary thing aboiut these pups I think is that fact they work in the rain , generally speakign sniffer dogs are USELESS in the rain , this is primaraly because of the polution we have created and the fact that a dog smells the rain over the drugs, they also don't like gettign wet anymore than us so sometimes just refuse to work :P


btw should mention that these days sprayign the dog will only get you the same responce as it would if it smelled drugs, after allot of people where using amonia to kill the dogs sence of smell they have been trained to react to situaions of masking aswell as drugs :P


pouring bong water in random places on a train or in the airport wouldbe fuckign amusing though ha ha ha ha

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pouring bong water in random places on a train or in the airport wouldbe fuckign amusing though ha ha ha ha
In the early days of this site when they started taking sniffer dogs on trains and such in Sydney a few of the members went out around the city armed with spray bottles of bong water, they got the seats in the stations and bus stops, trees, buses, trains and just about everything in sight including a lot of peoples backsides, I think the dog handlers would have been very embarrassed that day.



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