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Looking for a medical cannabis clinic (Gold Coast) – cost, legality, and recommendations




Hello I've been smoking cannabis since I was 17. I was a weird, socially awkward kid, pretty depressed, and my teenage years were rough. My niece introduced me to weed, and it changed everything. I became more open, started enjoying life, made friends, and found hobbies. That was over 25 years ago, and I’ve been smoking ever since.

Right now, I go through 170g a year, which costs me $1,920. The quality is always the same. I work from home, and weed helps me stay productive and creative. I live on the Gold Coast. I’m considering switching to a legal script but have no idea which clinic to choose. The process is a mess to figure out.

I’d like to keep my costs as close as possible to what I’m paying now while maybe getting some sativa strains instead of what I suspect has been 70% indica for years (too sedating).


A few questions: Which clinic would be the best fit for my situation? (Total cost with sending fees and consultation on a year under 1920$ for 170g of sativa)

Will my name go on a list that police can access? I don’t want to be targeted for roadside drug testing just because I went the legal route.

I don’t have any diagnosed conditions, I’ve never been to a GP, and I don’t want to start now. I rarely get sick, never go to the hospital, and just don’t see doctors in general. From what I’ve seen, some clinics require a referral or medical history, which I don’t have.

I’ve heard people mention saying they have sleep issues, but if I’m asking for sativa, that seems weird. If I mention mood-related issues, I don’t want them to overreact and push me toward a GP.

What’s the best way to approach this? Are there clinics that don’t require a GP visit or medical history?

For background, I’m originally from France but have been an Australian citizen for a long time. Any advice would be appreciated.

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