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i hate my setup

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Do you have many ladybugs around your area? They eat spider mites too, you would need to catch a lot of them though or if you have beans growing in the garden you may find predator mites or their eggs on them, you wouldn't need a lot as they will breed at a very rapid rate, the eggs are orange and about twice the size of the spider mite eggs.



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ah thanks Tom meat eaters then hey cool. they sound the thing to have for sure.


As for other things you can do try this-




* Steep 2 garlic cloves in 1 litre of water for 24 hours.

* Strain.

* Do not dilute. Spray on plants, no more than twice a week, to get rid of aphids, spider mites and scale mites.

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damn i love garlic :P good for your body and plants too :thumbsup


what about minced garlic? soak that in water and give em what for or could that be a tad too strong?


got lots of minced garlic in the fridge (might be running low now :scratchin ) as i use it all the time in cooking....can mean the difference between a shitty $2 pasta sauce tasting ok and tasting damn good :smoke


was just thinking my mate down the road has something he uses for pests, foget what it is now but his babies are all healthly :P but last time i saw him was about 3 weeks ago and he was running really low on the stuff then so i guess i got buckleys of a borrow :thumbdown

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as for lady bugs, dont really see too many round this way :P they all die off with the lack of vegetation and lack of water :P


when i was living right in newcastle, we had millions of them...i move a lil north and all of a sudden they are impossible to find....wait i lie, i saw one lady bug a few months back...was swarmed by 300 odd ants and about and hour later when i got back from walking down the street it was gone :P

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has anyone here used Mavrik chewing and sucking insect killer??? its made by yates, costs around $15 and is meant to kill off a heap of nasty critters like spider mites, native budworm (damn that grub sounds cool :P ) corn worm, cabbage moth, cabbage white butterfly, tomato grub, corn earworm, green peach aphid, apple dimpling bug, plague thrips (dont like the sound of that one :( ) anyways u get the idea its meant to kill things off with a vengance...


i borrowed this stuff off my mate who swears by it as he was put onto it by the local hydro shop guy and hasnt had bugs since :thumbsup after telling him my problem he gave me the bottle and told me to kill them lil fuckers dead ;)


but before i got this pestacide, i used water that had miced garlic soaking in it....im assuming my babies didnt like it that much as they have bigger spots on them now BUT thats most likely due from the water drying out on the leaves....so i decided i would give the lil gals a once over with the proper stuff just then as the light is about to turn off and coated both the surface and under each leaf :smoke funny thing is, i was holding my breath while spraying as i had no mask yet i started to cough pretty bad...all good now (i hope :P ) but i found that odd none the less....


active ingredient 7.5g/L fluvalinate


im assuming that dangerous to humans as well ;)


but hey, if i my plants get healthy at my expense, so be it as long as im around to enjoy the fruits of my labour :P


btw, i will be taking cuttings in 4-7 days....5 cuttings at first (i think im not too 100% on this as this will be my first attempt) but 3 will be donated as a prize for a comp on ozstoners for all the help i have recieved....as long as thats all good with the people who run ozstoners that is, if not then i guess i'll just have to donate them to the biggest begger or something :P any ideas for a comp and just so you all know, im into sharing strains, not bugs :P wont take any cuttings unless im 100% certain im bug free and cant hurt anyone else by helping spider mites travel accross oz....

Edited by wantdachronic
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clipped my ladies at about 5pm today.... :scratchin


did it to expose the shoots that were being hiden by larger leaves so they would all branch out and give me more of a chance to take cuttings, etc :thumbsup


im thinking in a weeks time, each plant will have atleast 6 branches that will be able to be used to take cuttings, be about twice their size and smell a fair bit more :whistling goddamn i cant wait....


this will put back taking cuttings by about another 3-4 days but i should be able to take a fair few more + i will be assured i have killed them nasty spider mites off :thumbsup


will take a picture tomorrow or the day after and give u all a look :smoke

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