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i hate my setup

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hey bro don't stress too much i'm sure you can get things back on track :rolleyes: . i definitely have to agree with ferengi it's not your light but your Ph. never grown in coco but i've had a shitload of Ph probs and the way your leaf is turning yellow at the sides not from the tip up is pretty sus. if you can't get the ph right soon i'd recommend buying some decent adjusted soil from a nursery and transplanting it till you do, like chev said coco is wicked but not easy to nail. the other possible thing is humidity, bc your girls are young and with your possible heat issues you need to keep your humidity right up. do you foliar spray them, i'd give em a couple of sprays a day while they're like that. i've done a few cupboard grows on the cheap so give us a shout if you want some ideas. best of luck bro


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I would consider using compact fluorescents for the veg stage, with a little luck that would take you through the worst of the hot weather.


i was going to buy a fluro setup for cloning soon anways, when i get it they will most likely go under...could probably get it in a week when i get paid depending on price ofcourse :)


Did you get those prices from the site i gave you?

nope, www.hydroshop.com.au i think it was...they are at mayfield i think and are one of the bigger hydro stores in australia i think...couldnt find 400watt globes on the site u gave so i did a lil searching.


You said that light and shade was 2nd hand? Those Intergrated Shades are $175 brand new complete with globe


if i knew that, no way in hell i would have bought the second hand 1...


hey bro don't stress too much i'm sure you can get things back on track


with the help of ozstoners, how could it fail :thumbsup as for the stressing part of things, i tend to stress too much over nothing...+ i hadnt had cones in a while so that made things worse for me...got a $20 last night, fixed me right up :thumbsup


i definitely have to agree with ferengi it's not your light but your Ph. never grown in coco but i've had a shitload of Ph probs and the way your leaf is turning yellow at the sides not from the tip up is pretty sus.


i have had the light on since about 1pm yesterday, when i checked them about 30 mins ago, the burning had become a fair bit worse lol i have been told to flush out the pot untill the water comes out nice and clear but considering my water comes out fluro yellow half the time thats a bit worrying :thumbdown im thinking that im going to have to water with bottled water....damn plants are gonna drink better than me :rolleyes:


the other possible thing is humidity, bc your girls are young and with your possible heat issues you need to keep your humidity right up. do you foliar spray them, i'd give em a couple of sprays a day while they're like that.


im fairly certain the humidity is fairly high in the grow room, i sometimes leave the left over water in a bowl at the base of the pots just to increase it a bit more....as for my heat issues, they are totally fine now lol i changed the setup slightly so my smaller fan cools the lamp and blows out the doors, larger fan sucks in air and blows over the plants and upto the smaller fan :smoke i havent foliar sprayed my ladies as im afraid of further burning them...with my last indoors attempt when they got wet they burnt like crazy :thumbdown but if it helps i'll do it...


thanks for the help guys, its really appriciated :thumbsup

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nope, www.hydroshop.com.au i think it was...they are at mayfield i think and are one of the bigger hydro stores in australia i think...couldnt find 400watt globes on the site u gave so i did a lil searching.


Ask here if you cant find them on that link, 1800 675 035. Even so, if these guys can't beat $32 for a Son T Agro 400W i would buy that.


if i knew that, no way in hell i would have bought the second hand 1...


Ask for a catalogue when you give them a call.


i havent foliar sprayed my ladies as im afraid of further burning them...with my last indoors attempt when they got wet they burnt like crazy thumbdown.gif but if it helps i'll do it...


Try a light spray right after the light goes out, that way you have a few hours of dark for the ladies to drink it up before the light comes on again and they are not drenched.

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will do all of that today lol


as an experiment (as im still thinking it the light more than anything) im going to risk one of my babies and put it outdoors......


i have a semi good area out the back that can be used but only for a short time.....so in a week when its payday, i can decide wether i need the new globe or not...


the reason im willing to "risk" a plant is because i ordered 3 cuttings ages back, had them in the same medium, gave them the same water (actually i didnt treat the water with anything so it would have been around 8.0pH) but they didnt yellow up.....they were outdoors and were growing up faster, stronger and more lush than the plants im growing now....


worst case, the plant gets ripped and i have 2 plants left....

best case, it grows up and proves to me the lamp is whats fucking me over....




now as u can see, the burning on this 1 plant is getting much worse....this is the plant im putting outside as it has a nice growing tip that isnt burnt and a side branch that is only slightly burned...hopefully the natural light will make it grow up nice and big :thumbsup


one things for sure, its sleeping indoors under a fluro....no way in hell am i leaving another plant outdoors overnight in this ghetto :rolleyes:

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just put my baby out about 30 mins ago...


tore down a heap of branches from this tree over the fence, put the pot on the ground and covered with branches.....couldnt be able to see the plant unless u knew it was there and went looking for it :thumbsup


i was a bit worried about the sun burning the plant further but as its fairly overcast outside today, i think the plant will do just fine :scratchin


one thing that worries me is i dont know what i will do if the plant booms while outside lol what does it prove? that my lights fucked? my setup in general is fucked? cuz if it booms out, its not a pH problem, nor could the medium be to blame.....imo it would have to be the light itself but fucked if i know what could cause it...


if a globe gets old, can its colour spectrum change? im fairly certain it can slightly change but would that slight change be enough to cause problems like the ones im facing? seriously, compare the pic in my last post to the pic in a previous post...they were taken like 2 days apart and look at the damage my setup has caused :rolleyes: i dunno what could have made them go so bad but the outdoors is off the the rescue :smoke

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typed a nice long post and my computer crashed aaaargggh! i'll try again. bro looking at your recent pic that does look like light bleaching. i've got the same atm cuz my a/c blew up and the room got too hot. same prob but mine was bc of temps not so much light. 1 of my lights is over 2 years old and still goes fine... lights become less intense with age :scratchin dunno what's going on with yours. how well rooted are the plants? maybe if they haven;t got a decent root structure and the temps are a little high then they're not ready for the 400 yet?? putting one outside is a pretty good idea at least you'll have some comparisons and bottled water at least until you've got things sorted is probably a good idea too.

best of luck mate :rolleyes:

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eg- as the light get dimmer and dimmer so will the yeild. but IMO it will not cause this sort of problem
Yeah lol lol I'd have to agree there Ferengi.
one thing that worries me is i dont know what i will do if the plant booms while outside  what does it prove? that my lights fucked? my setup in general is fucked? cuz if it booms out, its not a pH problem, nor could the medium be to blame.....imo it would have to be the light itself but fucked if i know what could cause it...
Just wait and see, I honestly think you might have a combo of things. PH, and ventilation I'm thinking anyway. So you may find that yeah, it could very well boom outdoors because it has everything mother nature intended (almost). Fresh air, big HID in the sky........... :rolleyes:
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Ok, from that last picture it is definitely not your light, light burn and problems look different to that, that sort of damage usually points to problems below the media. What is your ph? if using a liquid test kit aim for a "piss yellow" colour in the indicator. What brand of nutrients are you using and at what strength in what type of system? (watering times, recirc? etc) How much chlorine is in your water supply and how warm is it and the media getting during the light period? I realise that you may already have answered some of these questions but it may help to get everything into the one post at this stage.



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Tom i was of the opinon that it;s a ph prob and i still think it is but in that last pic the leaf looks bleached? burning and bleaching are different problems and i thought bleaching was caused because of a combination of ph and light factors and sometimes heat? i've got a similar problem, whacked out ph and with my lights real close when my a/c went down i got bleached leaves a couple were burnt and crispy but only ones that were already losing colour. do you know much about this cuz i'm really confused and the more i read the less i know!


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