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i hate my setup

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okies i have read all over these forums, tried pretty much everything i can do/affrord and my babies are turning yellow and burning again :thumbdown


with my last grow, the wardrobe was getting fairly warm, i didnt have panda film up and only the one 30cm fan near the plants....am using a 2nd hand 400watt hps that was strung up like 45cm away from the plants....was using soil for my medium...


my current grow is in the same wardrobe, panda film is up, i have the 30cm fan near the plants and a 10cm fan blowing over the lamp and out of the wardrobe.....im using hydrococo for my medium and the hydro coco nutes that came with the medium in a pack.....i also put the light up and its hanging around 3ft above the top of the pots....


now i have tested the water around my way which can come out of the tap yellow at times ;) but always make sure its nice and clear b4 i will use it lol and the pH of the yellow shit averages around 8-9 ;) the clearer water averages around 7-8.....i have bought pH up and down (came with the tester really) and when i made my medium up, i tested the water, added pH down, tested again and again untill it was slightly under 7 then packed up my pots with the coco....


i then put my white rhino cuttings in their pots and into the setup with them....now its only been like 5 days since they have gone in but i have started to notice burning on the tips of the leaves and they are a much lighter green than the leaves that were already on the cuttings....this is way scary to me as i lost my last crop because of this same sort of shit and what ended up happening was the lower leaves were dying off after turning yellow, wiltering, drying up then they would fall off ;) although i didnt care about the last crop all that much, i really treated it as a learning experience more than anything, im sure as hell not parting with white rhino plants because of a shitty problem that can be fixed......


after all my stressing and pulling out hair trying to work out what the problem is about the best solution i can come up with is that its the lamp fucking me over......it was bought 2nd hand, i havent replaced the globe and i dont even know how the light was used before i got it.....in other words i have no idea what the fuck is going on and im scared shitless lol


being on the dole, i cant really afford to fork out the $100+ they want for a fricken light globe :o but considering for $120 i could buy another light (globe included) its a tough decision to make as i really must keep these lovely ladies growing.....im thinking a new globe would probably do wonders for my system but its going to be like another 10 days before i will get paid next and i dont know if my ladies will make it, hopefully they will :rolleyes:


if any1 can help me get this piece of shit to grow kind bud without scaring me like this, there is a big fat cutting in the mail on the way after i take them in like 2-3 weeks permitting i get my problems fixed in the meant time :)

Edited by wantdachronic
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oh i forgot to mention that currently the doors stay open and i always have a window open to let fresh air in the room....wardrobe stays at around 20-25 degrees unless u put ur hand upto the globe but even above the lamp its fairly cool and not even the doors or the top part of the wardrobe get warm any more....


if i close the window, the room does heat up slightly but it takes like 3 hours to warm it up like 2 degrees.....when the wardrobe is closed completely, 5-10 mins, its hot as :thumbdown thats why i always have the doors open when the lights on.....


im fairly certain that heat isnt the problem this time :scratchin probably a micronutrient like mg or fe defiency or the globe....


im still stumpped pulling out hair :rolleyes:

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:smoke happy new year mate , first i know shite about hydro but what i do know is you really ought to be vegging your clones with a metal halide , hps is fine for the flowering stage . plus i would'nt us a second hand anything with my plants cos it always bites your arse . If your strapped for cash you have got to save at least 1 plant , got any fluros ? buy one cheap , save a plant till you have got enough dosh to get a good light . that's what i'd try and do mate , what's the weather like where you are ? got a spot to veg outside for a few weeks ? just a thought mate , goodluck
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what i do know is you really ought to be vegging your clones with a metal halide , hps is fine for the flowering stage . plus i would'nt us a second hand anything with my plants cos it always bites your arse . If your strapped for cash you have got to save at least 1 plant , got any fluros ? buy one cheap , save a plant till you have got enough dosh to get a good light . that's what i'd try and do mate , what's the weather like where you are ? got a spot to veg outside for a few weeks ?


i have been told that MH are better for vege but HPS works just fine so im not really going to bother buying another light for 2 weeks of growing.....


i used to be all like 2nd hand, FUCK THAT ! but when u can buy a 2nd hand light for $120 compared to the $300+ they want at shops, i took the risk....


have 2 fluros, bathroom and kitchen....i actually had to wait a few days to get my medium because i gave my friend the brick of medium i had waiting and he didnt replace it for 3 weeks the cunt and ended up paying me $20 for it instead of the $29 it cost me :) and i had the 3 cuttings in shot glasses under the light in the kitchen for like 3 days....roots grew slightly but thats about the best i can say it did for them....


few months back i ordered a few cuttings (afghani, durban poison and white rhino) had them outside buried under shrubs in the back corner of my yard...within 2 days they were gone lol living in a ghetto sucks ass like nothing else and indoors is the only way unless u have a shotgun and a rocking chair and intend on watching over the crop 24/7.....doesnt matter what size the plant is, could have just sprouted 10 mins ago, it'll get stolen.....:o


the weather is fairly extreme here....can get extremely hot and humid b4 9am, the other day it was 31 degrees and the humidity was like 70% at 9am ;) few weeks back it was like 28 degrees and the humidity was like 25%....is all over the place and to be honest its a shit load more cozy in the wardrobe than it is outside 90% of the time.....even at night u can break out in a furious sweat just from smoking a cone or walking from the pc to the kitchen or what ever :scratchin in winter it can get real cold and in the spare room where the pc is (not grow room) it can actually get like 5 degrees cooler ;) walk in and u get a chill running from your neck to ya ass :scratchin possibly haunted.....


If you are adjusting your PH to just under 7, it is way too high and may account for the leaf discolouration you are experiencing. PH for mj should be between 5.2 and 6.0.


today when i turn the light back on i will make 1 pot around 5.5, 1 around 6.0 and the other about 6.5......the water i was using was somewhere inbetween 6-7 im not 100% as i dont have a digital pH reader but in time im sure to get 1 :rolleyes:


what really pisses me off the deep end is the fact that the guy i lent the coco brick to, is growing in a wardrobe with another 1 pushed up to it so he has double the space...he is using a 400watt hps, same nute, same fucking everything....just he is using a new globe and im not...thats the only difference between the setups really....he has a slightly bigger grow area and a newer globe.... lol

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I would aim for a PH of around 5.5 - 5.8 and see how you go from there, I would also buy a new 430w Son-T-Agro globe for your 400w HPS ballast and if you pay more than $70 you are being ripped off, Son-T's are designed for both veg and flower cycles and do a very good job, your light is also too far away from the plants.


Types of HID lights used for growing:


Metal Halide - mostly for veg stage.


High Pressure Sodium – mostly for flowering stage.


Horticultural - HPS/MH - veg and flower stages (Son-T-Agro, Son-T-Plus, Lucalox, Lucagrow, etc.).


To set the light to grow height, start at a safe distance above the plants (approx 45cm for 400w, 90cm for 600w, 1200cm for 1000w), hold your hand palm down level with the top of the plant for a few minutes. If it feels too hot on the back of your hand the light is too close, if cool then it's too far away. If it's pleasantly warm and it feels as if you could hold your hand there all day then it's OK.



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don't worry about what type of light you use for the moment. HPS is fine for flower and veg. MH may be somewhat better for veg. but the difference would not be that great for a personal grow. In any case light type is not the source of your problems.


A PH of 7 does sound high but some coco mediums/nutes do run on a higher PH than standard hydro. You might want to look into canna coco nutes or similar. IOW nutes specifically designed for use with coco.


I can't remember if your system is recirculating or not, but making it run to waste rather than recirculating could help simplify it and solve some problems.

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I would also buy a new 430w Son-T-Agro globe for your 400w HPS ballast and if you pay more than $70 you are being ripped off


are u 100% positive that the extra 30w wont blow out the ballast or anything :scratchin i have no idea about electricity other than it hurts bad when u get shocked and it can start fires :)..... oh and where can i get this globe from? the son-t-agro bulbs down at my local hydro shop are all $110 - $150 :thumbdown but when i originally looked into growing indoors i wanted to start with a son-t but the money issue fucked me over....


I can't remember if your system is recirculating or not, but making it run to waste rather than recirculating could help simplify it and solve some problems


plants are in like 35cm round pots that are about 30cm high....filled with Premium (if u believe in such things :rolleyes:) hydro coco....i used fish tank pH down in the water b4 i expanded the brick and i brought the water down to about 6.0-6.5....test came up fluro yellow lol i assumed that the coco would absorb this pH level as well but when i put some coco in the pH tester with a small amount of water it came up green (neutral) so i got the pH down, added some to about 1/2 litre of water and shared that between the plants....pH was about 5.5 so im hoping that will fix my problem a bit.....


If you are on a budget and realy want a new globe you can get Lucagrow 400W HPS Dual Spectrum globes from grow.com.au for $28.


thanks heaps, am there now looking over the site.... well i mean i have the page loaded and after i finish this post i'll go check it out :thumbsup


To set the light to grow height, start at a safe distance above the plants (approx 45cm for 400w, 90cm for 600w, 1200cm for 1000w), hold your hand palm down level with the top of the plant for a few minutes. If it feels too hot on the back of your hand the light is too close, if cool then it's too far away. If it's pleasantly warm and it feels as if you could hold your hand there all day then it's OK.


i originally had the light lower before i put the clones in....i was growing ducks offspring and white russian....all females but the problem was the same as im having now and the plants died off...the lamp was raised and the plants took longer to fall over dead but it still happened..... now with the lamp as high as it is, im still getting my problems, just a shit load slower than what happened in the past...


this grow is destined to fail :thumbdown i constantly have to make sure the fuckin mull eating machine cat doesnt get into the hallway ( i feel slack as because i have to lock her out of 3/4 of the house and she is an indoors cat only ;) ), i have to constantly keep an ear focused on noises outside because i live in a ghetto and the second someone finds out im growing im gonna have my skull stomped in for 3 pissy plants :thumbdown, my plants would rather burn and wilter instead of growing....


now i finally got around to getting a plant out and taking a pic....shame i only have my webcam as its SHIIIIIIIIIT and i cant take it anywhere other than this room which isnt the grow room :thumbdown so no setup pics just yet, only 3 pics of a baby in trouble ;)




again im sorry about the quality, but here u can see the yellow dots that are appearing...they start off pin hole size, lead upto that, then the entire leaf goes yellow, wilters and dies off.....




now here u can see the burning on the tips of the leaves.....




now the cuttings all came with a small amount of leaf looking like this :scratchin dunno what the go is but it looks deformed lol there is also a little bit of burning there...


now if it wasnt for the burning and yellowing, i would have a top grow.... i will try and get pics of my setup soon but being a ghetto grow, dont expect that much....think i did good with it considerng but wait till i have some pics to show....




thats basically my light...except i cut off the steel sheet that was covering the end opposite the ballast to let hot air get out quicker....

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