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too strong to smoke

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i read about a year ago that canada was trying to grow a standard marijuana plant for all medicinal marijuana users in america. the article said that they had been working on it for 2 or 3 years when they breed a strain that had like 75% THC. i think they tried it out and the test subjects were freaking out and showing signs of skitzophrenia(spl) after just a few hits. has anybody else heard of this? is so, do you know what kind it was? because i want to get some of that shit.
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Naa never heard of it but I would say from the sounds of it that it is just another "myth"


peopel smoke higher percentages than that all the time , Hash and oil would both constatute themselfs as containign over 90% thc even if your not the best at makign it



there are plenty of "knock you off your ass" strains out there though , if thats the stone your lookign for I sugest a heavy indica ,

when mjoz opens again they have sensi star which I think is a great plant to grow as it's hardy , big , not too fussy and has a great stone :D

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White Widow is one of the most potent strains at a claimed 16% THC.


As Pure said the very high THC content preparations tend to be oil & hash.


If a plant was 75% THC then there wouldnt be much plant or surface area to hold all those trichromes & if there was enough plant matter, the light would have alot of difficulty penetrating the dense layer of trichs.


I think the 75% THC plant would be somewhere near a yowies hideout, next to a billabong with a bunyip in it!! :rolleyes:

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lol good one.


I was reading "Marijuana Questions? Ask Ed - The Encyclopedia (sic) of Marijuana" today, (not bad, but a few glaring errors which could end up killing plants in there) and came across another MJ myth I thought was too funny not to share...



Dear Ed,


In The Anarchist Cookbook I recently read of a type of marijuana called "New York White," which is supposed to grow in large amounts in the sewers of New York. These plants are supposed to be about twelve feet tall and are bleached white in color due to lack of sunlight. They are said to be responsible for poor drainage and flooding in the city. It all sounds like bullshit to me. What do you think?


I have another question. I have often read that marijuana is a common-problem weed. It is accusted of taking over unkempt fields and vacant lots. I wish I had such problems. I have searched many fields and all through the woods without any luck. Do you have any explainations?


Big Boy,

Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Green plants carry on their life processes by using the energy from the sun to produce sugars from carbon dioxide, which is found in the air and water. Without light the plants cannot produce sugar and they die. There are some plants, such as yeast and fungi, which live by utilising sugars and other organic matter produced by other organisms. But marijuana and other green plants cannot function that way. I have heard rumors of New York White for many years. Whenever I have tried to trace back the rumor, I was unable to locate anyone who actually claimed to have seen or smoked the stuff. I think it's a hoax.


Marijuana is a common weed, but only in places where it is already established. It readily colonises abandoned construction sites and areas cleared by nature. In the United States, these areas are found primarily in the Midwest.


Now that's a myth. lol :rolleyes:

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I read something on these white flowers awhile ago, Apparently and I think its bullshit myself.

But apparently it is TRUE the plants get enough light to grow and produce the sugars etc from where Im not sure but maybe the plant grow near light sources.

the height of the plnats is the plant trying to get closer to the light source.


The white flowers are caused by the sewerage and are very low in THC. almost like a hemp type plant.


not something Im keen to smoke. :rolleyes:

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75 % thc :reallyexcited: would be nice if true


I will add Ed isnt always correct :)


I wrote him a letter pulling him up on a few things last year


He agreed and sent me a freee book nice one ED Rosenthal except i would of prefered he sent me the big book of buds there was nothing in this book i didnt already know


I thought some of the highest hash was only around 50% anyways


MMMMMMMMMM Bubble yummmmmmmmyyy


P.S dont take seed bank thc levels at face value.


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