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USA Mj MEdical Laws

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God bless you too.wish you were here we are not all bad

Thae AARp has a 70% positive vote for meadical MJ.Wantthechronic get real,,, the whole world follows the USA,just look at your front page of your countries newspaper.Bet there is aleast one story of the USA.I dont wont to get into a pissing macth with you.Just dont say such a broad statement about Americans.Think about us,we have to put up with our leaders crap (just the same as you) join together for a good cause Dont bash us just because we live in the USA.Hell wasnt OZ a penial colony.You are not part monkey are you.Think of others feeling.I have spent alot of time on this site...Should I leave because I am from the USA?




















5 vote in favor of medcial MJ .

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sorry if i offended u, wasnt my intention...


like u said, u have to put up with your leaders too and its them that has given the usa a bad name to me....i have nothing against the people.


the reason the usa is being followed by everyone is because most people in the usa want to be rich, have bigger and better things, etc....and if your culture seems weird to them, they try and change your outlook of life so its like theirs....good example of this was the war in iraq. the usa destroyed like 2/3 of the place, put contracts out to rebuild to americans and the british, not the people of iraq who have the skills, needed the work and hell it was their cities the usa was destroying....the usa has even messed with the countries elections....now if that isnt a take over i dont know what is....thats why im not too fond of america :thumbdown


Mind you, that was all done without UN approval...meaning he invaded the country and could have easily started WWIII in no time....i really hate bush for that :rolleyes:


but again, sorry if i offended...

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Remember your country followed right behind the USA.You voice must not rule in your country either.It a world problem not just the USA.If the USA didnt have power...who do you think would have it ?Russia how would you like that? R china how do you think your country would stand up to themn? Yes peeps in USA like to have it all ,Remember this a country of dreams,..Get some.I live off the land.There are millions that do the same in the USA. The world learns from us like it or not. Just dont bash the whole country,apparntenly u have never been anywhere out of OZ.wake up the wizard died in the USA in the 60s...Please catch up.The world will leave you behind. Edited by Flopeye
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Flopeye, i don't agree with American bashing as far as the American public goes and i don't want to get too involved in this discussion but i have to say this.


As far as other nations following the Americans where ever they go, I am not making excuses for john howard he should have some back bone, but your nation is so rich and powerfull our govenments don't have much choice in following. We either follow or we get squeezed or worse become an enemy.


Granted we can't blanket everyone in your country, there are thinking people in the US who see their govenment for what it is, but you have to admit most of the people in your country just don't care about what happens outside your borders. One of the disturbing things i notice the head up the arse type American saying is, "Stop bashing me, it's not my fault". While this is sometimes true mostly it is an excuse for those ignorant people who don't care to play the vistim and put a politicaly correct spin on, "STFU, i don't care".


Until these people pull their heads out of the clouds and realise the rest of the world is not like the US you and people like you are going to hear this sort of US bashing. I can apreciate your position so don't think this is a personal attack, but the sad fact of the matter is most of the people in your country are not like you.


Btw, our poor arsed govenment has doanted more aid than your government to the tsunami relief, twice as much in fact. :P


In fact Britain, Australia and China have all donated more relief than the US, as well as some private company, so your government needs to get their shit together. Put some pressure on them if you can, tell your friends and spread the word. 125,000 people and climbing, are dead and that number is expected to double through disease.

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The thing is we all get the governments that the rich and the multi-nationals want, you know, those bastards that make money out of wars. If I remember correctly a large majority of the people of both countries were against involvment in Iraq and still the goverments got us involved, not for the humanitarian or WMD reasons The thing is we all get the governments that the rich and the multi-nationals want, you know, those bastards that make money out of wars. If I remember correctly a large majority of the people of both countries were against involvement in Iraq and still the governments got us involved, not for the humanitarian or WMD reasons that they kept shoving down our throats but because their puppet masters were greedy and wanted full access to one of the worlds largest oilfields. The world’s supply of crude oil is running lower every day and without it the plastics, fuel companies, drug manufacturers and many other industries would be crippled or shut down completely and then where would the economies of the western world be without them?


Most of the decisions that our governments make are made with a view to the next election yet they went totally against the wishes of the majority and failed to find any evidence to support their lies, yet they still got voted back into office, why? Was it because they had been rewarded for doing such an excellent job for their profiteering masters or was it because just about all the people they lied to magically forgave them? ::P:


Add that to the fact that most of the members of mj related sites would have voted against the present regimes, even if only for self interest reasons as most stoners in both the US and Oz are also against this stupid "war on drugs" that our current governments persist on using to persecute us with, especially as Bush and his cronies in the DEA are now using terrorism laws to lock up home growers in privately run prisons which use them as slave labour to make Levis and such.



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