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Western Australians vote YES to Cannabis law reform

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Jubilation spread across cannabis groups on social media late yesterday as word got around that the Legalise Cannabis Western Australia Party (LCWA) had won its second Upper House seat.

This is a HUGE win for the Legalise Cannabis movement that was spawned at state level last year in Queensland by the rising fury of cannabis activists, advocates and medical users who were fed up with not being listened to.

Both Qld and Western Australia branches were formed and registered in their respective state withing weeks of announcing their intentions. Both contested elections just weeks after registration on a shoestring budget.

“Success has come swiftly if not a little unexpectedly,” according to Sophia Moermond newly elected MLC for South West Region.

“This is a reflection of the Will of the People and WA’s win has energised the rest of the nation with hope that we might see some movement on cannabis law reform in this country,” said Michael Balderstone, President of the federal HEMP Party. “ The Legalise Cannabis movement has successfully harnessed the passion of personal users and the anger of medical users. We believe it will also translate to votes at a national level.”

Tony Hopkins, Legalise Cannabis Qld (LCQ) Party President, is thrilled by the win. “The Legalise Cannabis Parties will continue setting up branches in every state to contest this round of state elections. Already NSW, VIC, SA and TAS are in the process,” he said.

Sophia Moermond and Dr Brian Walker will take their seats in the new WA Parliament holding the hopes of many in their hands.

“The delivery system in place for medicinal cannabis is a disgrace and many patients being excluded by the prohibitive costs, are still being arrested for self supply. There is price gouging and erratic supply issues, often leaving patients without products for weeks at a time,” said Deb Lynch President of Medical Cannabis Users Assoc of Aust (MCUA) Inc and LCQ Candidate in last years QLD state election.

“We need a moratorium on patient arrests as was proposed by the Barriers to Medical Cannabis Inquiry and rejected by the federal Govt.” she said. “Cannabis should be, as a natural, healthy, healing herb, available to all that need it or all who want it,” according to Dr Walker who snatched a seat in East Metro in a nail biting finish.

There are many Cannabis related issues that need addressing across the country including convictions given to patients and personal users who self supply and random roadside drug testing regimes looking for presence rather than impairment, that are ruining people’s lives are among them.

Voters in WA have had their say. Advocates and patients across the country are hopeful that the returning Labor Govt will work with Sophia and Brian to bring about much needed Cannabis law reform in WA that will have a flow on effect across the nation.

More info at legalisecannabis.org.au

Legislative Council Results


The post Western Australians vote YES to Cannabis law reform appeared first on HEMP Party.


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