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Insomnia and alternatives to prescription medical cannabis



Good evening I have a question after a few decades of shift work I have developed an debilitating insomnia health issue which the doctors are classifying as a major morbidity issue to my health. I refuse to take chemical sleeping tablets after the first week due to them causing other medical problems as well as they make me feel very sick in the morning. This year I have managed to obtain a medical prescription through a local doctor who is specialist in this field, apart from the shocking cost of the medication most nights I am still suffering.


I don't suffer from any mental health and medical issues but did use the devils drink "scotch" to assist for many years "I have been sober for 4 years now" and I am very fit I run most days don't eat junk and any processed foods I have spent some time at the sleep disorder unit where they stated I have a highly active brain activity, my wife said BS to this lol. Due to covid I am now working part time and my wife has lost her job as well so affording any more tests and paying for any more medical cannabis would be very difficult. That is until I was given an edible which has given instant relief.


I felt calm and relaxed about 15 minutes afterwards and then slept 9 hours straight and woke up very well I did not take it again for the second night but still slept 5 hours which is unheard of for me. My question is why is there such a difference between the two?  


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i guess the med cannabis is in oil form that you ingest ( not smokable bud?) and the edible was obtained by the black market?

everyone is different yet smoking/vaping bud is usually the best way to consume more of the cannabis content, some terpines can be lost if smoking at a high temperature so maybe the lower temp baked edible has kept more in, however my honest opinion is that you just had more weight of cannabis in the edible than your med cannabis.

i would just find a street dealer that can confirm bud is sleepy or a sleepy "indica" if you dont mind the high, which if its taken just before bed i dont really see the issue.

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very basic understanding here


delta 9 thc converts to 11 hydroxy metabolite or 11 hydroxy thc in the body


it said to be up to 10x stronger than delta 9 thc smoked 


very easy to OD on edibles cos it takes a little time to feel the effects after eating 

unlike smoking which is pretty much instant 


the consumer of an edible can often eat half a cookie & not feel anything for half hour or longer 

& decide to eat the other half , 15 min after eating the second half they start to feel the 

effects of the first half , by the time they are feeling the second half of the cookie they are already 

to high , getting to high from edibles is not a pleasant experience for most 


the other thing is , homemade edibles can be very different from one homemade batch to the next homemade batch 

cos they are made by a different person with different cannabis 


anyways do some googling on 11 hydroxy & insomnia

this is just a random link https://highthere.com/cannabis/11-hydroxy-metabolite/ 


good luck mate   

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Considering medical cannabis for improving sleep quality is an effective option to deal with, but essentially it requires medical professional’s advice. Not everyone will experience the exact impact of cannabis consumption, and self-medicating the medical marijuana treatment can increase the risk factors. You need to contact a medical doctor and discuss the need to access the treatment.



i can think of quite a few people (many of them on this board) that i would have a chat to about insomnia before seeing a medical doctor.


all of them have a great deal of knowledge about canna and how it works for them and how it might help someone with a similar health issue.


it is good that you have found medical doctors that you are comfortable with ... i sincerely hope that it reaches that level in oz.

Edited by pug1010
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i can think of quite a few people (many of them on this board) that i would have a chat to about insomnia before seeing a medical doctor.


all of them have a great deal of knowledge about canna and how it works for them and how it might help someone with a similar health issue.


it is good that you have found medical doctors that you are comfortable with ... i sincerely hope that it reaches that level in oz.

agree 100%


dont get me wrong i'm sure there is medical bud that will work well for sleep issues, yet in contrast i've tried some sleepy bud off a mate only a small bong hit and i was out cold, felt sooo sleepy.

plan was a night out yet i crashed on my mates bed until morning, and i do have minor sleep issues  

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