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Lower Leaves Yellowing

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2 plants, outdoor grow in fabric pots. Easy As water only soil.

Lower leaves yellowing / turning almost white. 4 weeks into flowering.

Top of plants look healthy and buds stacking.

Thinking nitrogen deficiency as they have had a lot of heavy rain the last few months that may have leached the soil.

I've chucked some worm castings & Rooster Booster on the surface of the soil and watered in but doesnt seem to be slowing down the fade.


Any suggestions welcomed.


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Looks like a normal healthy fade cob she’s fine. They eat themselves towards the end, the leaves are just big nutrient storage houses. Let me drop off naturally or as good as and lay them on the soil.

Thanks Bayside, I had a feeling it was just fade but it's always good to get a second opinion mate.


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i'd say water mate , you shouldn't be loosing leaves yet imo 

plant fade is generally towards the end of a plants life & not halfway through flower 

if you do nothing you'll continue to loose leaves & the plant will take longer to finish  


i know you said lots of rain but smaller fabric pots can dry way to quick especially on windy days 

plus if the plant is wider than the pot the soil misses out on the drip line of the plant so its poss 

it didn't get as much rain as you thought 


what size is the pot 


do you ever check the weight of the pot b4 & after watering or after a rain event 


you can also use a cheap bunnings moisture meter , not the most accurate meter made 

but it will give you an idea of how evenly the moisture is around the pot , keep in mind 

when you hit stones as you push the probe in the soil it will read dry regardless if the soil 

around the stone being wet or moist , it's poss you'll find the bottom half of the pot wet &

the top half of the pot dry in smaller fabric pots  



i emailed geopot sometime ago asking if there would be any leaching from fabric pots if i transplanted 

the whole plant , pot & all , to a bigger pot , roots will grow though the fabric into fresh soil no probs 

they gave me the ok to do that , it def helped as there could be dry spots or hydrophobic spots in your

currant pot & new fresh wet soil will help the possible dry spots to re hydrate 


you can always add the odd bottle feed of aminogro to see if it's N deficient but without solving the moisture 

issue the plant will continue to yellow imho 


the prob with top dressing casting or rooster booster pellets , if the top soil is dry the benefit of the castings or pellets

can't be realized because of that dryness , which again is a prob with smaller fabric pots cause they can dry to quickly 

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Thanks for the detailed answer Itchy, very good point regarding watering. I've got one of those moisture meters so I'll check it tonight. I might pick up a bottle of the Aminogro on the way home too.


I think they are in 5 gal pots so pretty small.


The fact thay it's fading so early in flower had me worried, hence this post.

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Itchy’s points all relevant but can also be a generic thing to get an early fade. Looks like a broad leaf, especially the lowers, so I’m assuming it’s not gonna be an ultra long flowering strain. ChemDog eats itself pretty quick I’m growing a Chem dog hashplant hybrid right now that’s starting to fade pretty early at week 5/6 and that’s in a 30gall. I’ve had some dry ass 5galls when I used to not water as often in an effort to stop always over watering that were green right up til end of flower barely a fade so could be a few things. I get crispy leaves when I underwater usually but not too much of a fade like that.



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Pleased you said that about fabric pot uppotting itchy good to know mate. Relatively inexpensive so cool that you can just veg in two or three while sexing then up pot into dirt or into pots.



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Genetic thing not generic two comments prior **



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Checked the moisture level and it’s within range if not a little too wet. Watered in some Aminogro so I’ll wait and see if this slows down the fade.

Also didn’t mention that the 2 plants are different. The one pictured is a Cinderella99 and the other which is exhibiting the same fade is a Gelato.


According to the breeder, the Gelato goes an extra 10 or so days flowering after the Cinderella is done



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Nice fat greasy lookin buds mate should be a nice crop I wouldn’t stress your self too much



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Go the bigger container in future though much better for the soil ecosystem outdoors, kinda want a 15gall minimum for worms and everything to lead a happy life



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hey quokka 

in very general terms , maybe not all but most strains have more than one phenotype 

a breeder will always promote what he thinks is the best of the pheno's as far as description go's = flowering time , yield , terpene content ect ect 


so it's much better if you ignore most of the description & get used to knowing when a plant is done by using your eyes & a scope

cause apart from different phenotypes there could be a few reasons a plant may take longer to finish than what the breeder recommends 

getting caught up in the breeder says 10 week flower will only have you harvesting too early imo , sure use the breeders description as a guide but

not as a absolute set in stone strain description   

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Looks like a normal healthy fade cob she’s fine. They eat themselves towards the end, the leaves are just big nutrient storage houses. Let me drop off naturally or as good as and lay them on the soil.



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Still on about this bullshit


The leaves are not just big storage houses


I don't know where you read this or you just made it up


The leaves function like solar panels, absorbing light and converting it into energy for the plant to grow. These leaves can also serve as emergency storage for certain nutrients like nitrogen not all the nutrients needed for good health If the plant can’t get them from the soil, it can draw stored nutrients from the leaves. When this happens, the leaves will start to turn yellow.

This is a sign you have dramas


Take basyed advice at your own peril


Listen to itchy , unlike bayed he knows what he's talkng about


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