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Honking For HEMP

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Sitting beside the highway near Bega every third or fourth car toots their support but how many will vote for us on Saturday remains to be seen.

It’s anonymous in the polling booth and plenty of people want a corflute of the big sativa leaf but very few want to put it on their fence!

Such is the impact of the war on weed on everyday people who cannot afford to lose their job.

By far their biggest anger is not even being made a criminal for using the herb but the outrageous unfairness of the saliva testing of drivers.

It’s an automatic 3 month loss of licence now in NSW for anyone found with over 10 nanograms of THC in their saliva..that’s ten parts per billion!


Smoking a joint a week ago could possibly do that.

Even patients getting legal medical cannabis are not allowed to drive which shows just how un-serious the government is about slowing down the war on pot.

Drivers are not tested for opiates or methadone or in fact any brew of pharmaceutical drugs.

By chance this morning I received an email from an Eden-Monaro mother whose disabled son has been using black-market non psychoactive cannabis for years to control her son’s severe epileptic seizures.

She has just been advised the care facility where he lives will no longer allow the use of the medicine in case they lose their funding but they can use a legal Tilray product from Canada which will cost her $600 a month.

This compares to the black-market product her son has been using that cost her $200 and has lasted over a year! Less than one dollar a day!

THIS IS PURE GREED and the governments chosen way to legalise Cannabis with Big Pharma companies from overseas.

And if she lived in Canberra she could grow her own and juice it for her son which would likely be even better.


For further info phone the candidate representing the most useful plant on the planet.

Michael Balderstone 0472 760 236






Authorised by: M. Balderstone, Help End Marijuana Prohibition (HEMP) Party, Nimbin – www.HEMP.org.au #EdenMonaro #auspol #EdenMonaroVotes

Posted by Michael Taylor Balderstone on Wednesday, 1 July 2020

The HEMP Party is advising voters to choose their own order of preference.

HEMP believes the strategy is best for uniting opposition towards prohibition and treating Cannabis as a separate issue.

Eden-Monaro by-election 2020




The post Honking For HEMP appeared first on HEMP Party.


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