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How to Reverse Sex Using Silver Thiosulphate

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The Tiresias you get from the hydro shop should work the same right? anyone here used it?

I know making your own is heaps cheaper. But I would rather just buy it in and spray it on. And a 50 buck outlay to make hundreds of feme seeds seems pretty worth it.

I've got 2 green crack autos that I wanna breed so I'm gonna have to turn 1

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

I believe Tiresias Mist is colloidal silver so it won't work the same as STS. It may work if it hasn't been on the shelf too long just follow their instructions. If you want the best chance at a satisfying result make your own.

Edited by Naycha
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So that was too strong perhaps - it's toxic in my experience but I've never seen that - a dead growing tip - I've seen sad looking tips but haven't lost any.


I've used this guide a couple of times with success - https://steemit.com/cannabis/@thecleangame/how-to-make-and-use-silver-thiosulfate-solution-sts-for-feminized-cannabis-pollen-featuring-the-gorgeous-early-dane 

The method involves repeated spraying with diluted STS. The "ideal" spray schedule is strain dependant in my experience - Durban Poison gave lots of pollen after about 6 doses 5 days apart but Swazi Gold and Hawaii Maui Waui gave far less - plenty of balls but may have been too much STS - next time I'll try different dose schedules on different heads to see what works best...

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I'm about to try it with CS myself. What ppm did you use and how often did you spray it?


Was it store bought cs or stuff you made? I've heard that cs isn't very stable and if it's been exposed to light or hear or stored for too long it's pretty much useless for what we use if for.


I plan to make my own

Where did you get the Silver Thiosulphate and the silver nitrate from? I tried with CS and failed on 2 plants

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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I'm about to try it with CS myself. What ppm did you use and how often did you spray it?


Was it store bought cs or stuff you made? I've heard that cs isn't very stable and if it's been exposed to light or hear or stored for too long it's pretty much useless for what we use if for.


I plan to make my own

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app


Hey mate you need a very specialized tool to measure CS those TDS meters aren't accurate so I couldn't tell you the ppm. I used store bought and stuff I made myself. I sprayed twice a day right into flower then I just culled the plants wasn't going to use the same plant I sprayed.


Looking at STS cause its less work and don't have to spray as often.


I have since made a new generator using batteries this time a resistor, double sided alligator clips and a speaker terminal to hold the silver rods don't have to solder anything either.. within 4 hours I had a really solid laser line. Strained through a coffee filter to get the chunkier stuff out.


I will give CS another go next time with the new generator

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And when you were spraying twice a day with the stuff you made yourself did you get any reversal at all?


I've heard that some strains are harder than others

Hey mate you need a very specialized tool to measure CS those TDS meters aren't accurate so I couldn't tell you the ppm. I used store bought and stuff I made myself. I sprayed twice a day right into flower then I just culled the plants wasn't going to use the same plant I sprayed.


Looking at STS cause its less work and don't have to spray as often.


I have since made a new generator using batteries this time a resistor, double sided alligator clips and a speaker terminal to hold the silver rods don't have to solder anything either.. within 4 hours I had a really solid laser line. Strained through a coffee filter to get the chunkier stuff out.


I will give CS another go next time with the new generator

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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I'm about to try it with CS myself. What ppm did you use and how often did you spray it?


Was it store bought cs or stuff you made? I've heard that cs isn't very stable and if it's been exposed to light or hear or stored for too long it's pretty much useless for what we use if for.


I plan to make my own

Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Min 50PPm and 14 days straight, try n do it the samtime each day for the 14 days Edited by kloud9
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