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Leaf curling


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Ok someone: The leafs are curling down from the ends, bottom leafs yellow with brown spots.


5 gal bubbler, 400w hps hort, double airstone, nutes BC, at 270, ph 5.67,nute temp. 74f, room temp. 75f, lights 15" above temp at top of plant 82f.

I tried flushing out with distilled water and clearex for 24 hours replaced back in nutes, didn't work.


I NEED HELP!!!!!! lol

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Ok someone: The leafs are curling down from the ends, bottom leafs yellow with brown spots.


5 gal bubbler, 400w hps hort,  double airstone, nutes BC, at 270, ph 5.67,nute temp. 74f, room temp. 75f, lights 15" above temp at top of plant 82f.

I tried flushing out with distilled water and clearex for 24 hours replaced back in nutes, didn't work.


I NEED HELP!!!!!!  lol

How long since you did the Clearex? After about twenty fours you should have been good to go...and 270 is really low.How long have these been growng?And were they clones or seeds?

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How long since you did the Clearex? After about twenty fours you should have been good to go...and 270 is really low.How long have these been growng?And were they clones or seeds?


These were seeds, there about 3 weeks old but went into the prob. at 4" and stopped growing then. I have done the clearx thing twice. The nute was at 520 when this happened, so I dropped it down to 270 after clearx thinking I would start out low then increase it.


don't understand !!!!!!!


Thankx for this ans.

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What I would do-


Is to flush everything again, but only use plain water.

then,Add ph adjusted water set to between 5.5 and 6.3 using as little ph down as possible,

Then add veg nutrients to 700PPM.

Put an extra air stone in your res,

Use the palm to measure how far away your light should be and then lift it an extra 2 inches.



Hey I just remembered this link-



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:thumbsup Thankx ferengi, I took the hydoton balls out and found a big brown root ball, So I cleaned out what I could and put it back in, raised the nutes to 650 and added some Schultz root stimulator with b 1 in it, 5oz of hydogen peroxide, hope this solves the prob.


Thankx for the link.


oh the ph 5.67.


waiting to see while lol

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Yeah sounds like root rot damage.


What's the nutrient temps? These determine how much dissolved oxygen you can get into the water. Higher temps = less DO. You want to be aiming around 18-25 or so, with 21 being an ideal.


You will not see a recovery in any leaves with necrotic patches or burn damage, but you'll see a recovery in any new growth produced.


Oh yeah, and it's not the airstones bubbling in the water that produces DO, it's the water surface being broken. So you can definitely get a better response from larger bubble wands and more power in your airstones, but if the water surface isn't being broken significantly, the amount of DO is going to be smaller. You can also oxygenate water using a pump, in the same way by breaking the surface of the water. lol


Hope that helps, and good luck with the bubbies.

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