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As unpalatable as it all seems here today, 'Case C' is the only answer.


But my bet is that there is no way our govt will even want to contemplate 'Case C' until it's all too late. They're all too reactive rather than proactive. Too worried about the $$$$$$. If we don't act there won't be a $ to worry about. The WHO did warn the world, but who was listening?? Singapore?? they're about the only country flattening the curve so far.

To get ahead of it all we NEED to be proactive, not wait until the mighty USA tells all us what to do. We followed them to get to this point and look how well that's been managed. We need to get ahead of the curve.






I am starting to get worried... very worried. I am looking at how countries all around the world are acting, even developing countries in Central and South America, and comparing that to how we are acting and it is alarming. Australia is not taking this seriously enough. Scott Morrison is stalling, trying to limit the damage to an economy that is stuffed no matter what we do now and it is likely to lead to the deaths of thousands - tens of thousands. I honestly fear that Scott Morrison is also of the belief that it is all in Gods hands, given his Pentecostal faith. We need a total lock down of non-essential business and for the military to take control of the food supply chain or else we're fucked!

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I am starting to get worried... very worried. I am looking at how countries all around the world are acting, even developing countries in Central and South America, and comparing that to how we are acting and it is alarming. Australia is not taking this seriously enough. Scott Morrison is stalling, trying to limit the damage to an economy that is stuffed no matter what we do now and it is likely to lead to the deaths of thousands - tens of thousands. I honestly fear that Scott Morrison is also of the belief that it is all in Gods hands, given his Pentecostal faith. We need a total lock down of non-essential business and for the military to take control of the food supply chain or else we're fucked!


You need to look after yourself. The Gov has made it very clear they have no intention of stopping it they just want to slow the spread so the hospitals can cope. They are estimating 150,000 dead in Australia which will be mostly the aged. No wonder they want it to spread, it will save them 4 billion a year just in age pensions. Have even got Peter Dutton the Reinhard Heydrich wannabe pretending he had it ffs.

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..... and for the military to take control of the food supply chain or else we're fucked!


No we don't 8s There are very good reasons the law in Australia stops the military stepping in as anything more than support for civil organizations such as the RFS etc. History has proven over and over again once the military has control they don't like to give it back and the people end up suffering because of it.


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No we don't 8s There are very good reasons the law in Australia stops the military stepping in as anything more than support for civil organizations such as the RFS etc. History has proven over and over again once the military has control they don't like to give it back and the people end up suffering because of it.



If people do not stop stripping the shelves faster than we can replace the stock that is exactly what has to happen. Italy, along with many other countries now have the military on the streets for civil duties. Our military is already deployed on Kangaroo island for bush fire clean up and they are doing a fantastic job over there. People are too fucking selfish and stupid to not stop hoarding food, despite there been no shortage in supplies. If there are guards in fatigues manning cues and limiting numbers in shops at a time, they only have themselves to blame. In many countries, there is now heavily restricted grocery shopping, with guards limiting numbers in the shop and purchases. This is what the rest of the world is doing as we sit here going "nah, shell be right mate". This virus is for real man, a lot of people are likely to die. I really hope I am wrong on that but it is looking worse by the day.

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Nothing wrong with the military supplying support to civil organisations but they can't be the ones in control making the decisions or COVID-19 will be the least of our worries.


Personally my kids got taken out of school a few weeks ago and we have been in isolation since. I know this virus is a problem

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Reckon you city stnuc are going to be fucked, be a trip to the shops every couple of days, seeing how you can't stock up anymore 

all them disease ridden stnuc fondling all the products, Corona can stay alive for a while on surfaces, its a great way to spread it around the community


should of closed the borders straight away, but that would be "racist" apparently, they are still letting in the family of any foreign tnuc that we/they pretend/claim are Australian 

multiculturalism was always going to fuck us over, bring all the disease back we got rid of 50 years ago in the west/civilised countries 


its everytnuc for themselves, like its always been, the Governments are not here to help the people, that's not there job, its the opposite they are here to enslave you in debt, and servitude to the country's debt 


Good luck stoners ya going to need it, remember to lock the fucking gate hey 




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