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how much light should newly sprouted seeds get?

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i have just put newly germinted seeds into soil and i give them 24 hrs of light everyday.when they appear from the soil should i change the amt. of light to 18/6 or what and when should i start givn my plants ferts they are like 2 days old?

I would leave them on 24/7,and if possible get them as much sunlight as possible(but they have to stay well watered,drying out then watewring at the very least) If you have them in good soil,nutes r not needed for quite sometime.Here is some good reading for you.Good Luck http://www.allpotseeds.com/how-to-grow-pot.html


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Seeds are a ball of energy, a two pronged attack at survival. One prong is the root searching for stability, moisture and nutrient, the other is two leaves (called cotelydons) for initial gathering of light but also fat and full of stored energy to give them a headstart in the fight for life.


I sometimes wonder if giving a light nutrient at this stage would help but i have been told that while the cotelydons are still green there is no point. It seems to make sense but i also think, all things that grow need a good start to be the best they can be.


I might try a little experiment next time and see if there is a difference but until someone who knows for sure says otherwise, i would let nature take it's course, mother knows best.

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I give my own twenty four hours of light untill I turn them over to the flowering cycle. I've read or heard of nothing which compells me to change this habit.


As for the "ferts", once the seeds open I wait one or two days then begin applying nutrient at around one quarter strength. After a few more days I increase to one half strength nutrient and so on and so on. By the time the plant has it's second set of serrated leaves, I'm giving nutrient at full strength. I've both read and heard overwhelming amounts of infomation on the subject "when do I start feeding my plants" as have alot of people. The method I described above is what I use and it works well although I'm sure there are better methods out there. Look around and make up your own mind.

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