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Drug fucked driver gets 10 years for killing biker

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An unlicensed driver who killed a motorcyclist while high on a cocktail of drugs and driving on the wrong side of a Victorian freeway has been given a 10-year jail sentence.


Jeffrey Allan Dobbin, 31, of Reservoir, was given a minimum eight-year jail term after pleading guilty to eight charges, including culpable driving causing death, theft of a car, and aggravated burglary.

The Victoria County Court was told Dobbin drove a stolen car the wrong way down the Princes Freeway and swerved in front of a motorbike on April 16 this year.


Nicole Knox-Smith, a 29-year-old Origin Energy employee, was killed instantly in the morning peak hour collision, south west of Melbourne, near Hoppers Crossing.


The court was told Dobbin started a two-day crime spree the day before the fatal collision after a Family Court decision removed his eight-year-old daughter from his care.


He consumed a cocktail of drugs, including heroin, some rock heroin, 10 tablets each of codeine and the anti-anxiety drug Xanax.


He then stole two cars, property from homes and prompted a police chase which was abandoned because of Dobbin's dangerous driving.


Judge Jim Duggan said it was hard to imagine a "worse case of culpable driving".


He said Dobbin had never held a licence.


His extensive criminal record included numerous driving offences and Dobbin had spent five of the past seven years in custody. He said the only mitigating factor was that Dobbin had pleaded guilty and showed remorse.




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Sounds like he brought it all on himself.


People like this obviously have no care for anyone but themselves (i am sure he shows remorse now he has to face the consequences of his actions) and gives the rest of us, who are community involved and care about other people, a bad name.


This self destructive shit should be left behind when you hit your teen years.

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I'm all in favour of removing the "intoxication" legal defence, so as we can stop this stupidity.


More people are killed every week by alcohol than the entire years amount of deaths caused by all the other illicit drugs put together.....


But the idea that you can go out, get blitzed, kill someone and get a reduced sentence because you were out of it seems stupid to me. Cars and vehicles are very powerful, and as Spidey said it, "With great power comes great responsibility...."


Thank god I'm a pedestrian. I've lost too many friends to the beasts, (cars and alcohol) to want to drive, or drink...


Leave me with a bong, a bowl of mull and a lighter and I'm happy as, won't even need to move... :peace:

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Leave me with a bong, a bowl of mull and a lighter and I'm happy as, won't even need to move...
:peace: Same. Although, I don't mind a VB stubbie now and then.

Doesn't sound like the guy will learn much either, he's already been in the system a while, so jail obviously doesn't worry him.

One thing I will say in his defense, people can do some strange shit when it comes down to thier kids, so I can understand him trippin out in a way. But yeah, he's done the crime, now he's gotta do the time.

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That's a good point Chev, kids consume your every thought, that's one of the reasons i am down on this guy, i am presuming he didn't just start taking h and behaving like a dickhead, what was the reason his kids were taken off him? If he had the shits he should have had them with himself for not devoting himself to the most important thing in his life.


Was the biker a better father than this guy?


We all have choices, it looks like he made all the wrong ones.


I am a pedestrian too Luke, no point in gunking up the environment.

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im a pedestrian too.....but im a broke ass and wont pass up a ride when 1 is offered lol


personally i believe that if a person is taking herion their life might as well be over....they are just junkies walking around wondering how they can get their next fix.....people on herion are just wasting our precious air IMO, sure to each their own but when a drug can take that much controll over a person its best left alone....


IMO intoxication isnt an excuse for anything....intoxication brings out the inner person that we so desperately try to hide from the outside world....thats why every1 is more open and friendly when they get stoned :smoke alc is a different matter, it tends to make people all happy and jolly at first then depressed then angry :thumbdown sure when your drunk u might do heaps of shit that u wouldnt if u were sober but whos fault is it that your that drunk?


as for him taking all that herion, i wish he overdosed....i know it sounds nasty and all but like i said b4, junkies are just a waste and most likely in persuit of his next fix and running from the police he killed an innocent.....


punishment should be making him go a week without even ciggies then getting the entire family, friends and loved ones of the person he killed to give him shit for 5 hours straight then lock him up for the 10 years....i can assure u that after 10 mins of the family having their goes that he wishes he died in that accident instead of the guy he killed....

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dont you just wanna run some ppl over though. i wanta buy a black f100 with tinted windows and a fucking big bumper bar .just ram the fuckers teach them to have more concideration for the fellow moterists omg lisening to beach boys smilysmlie while watching marthafucking stewart I must me toasted.

miss all fucking americain role model. shes done more time than me:\ why carnt i be the marthastweard of mj. i would be like teflon. the cops would probably give me there best confiscated eqiupment ew how icky that would be using sombod'y stolen gear that bad karma would have to dam you to moldy bug eaten bud for eternatity oh well martha your shit hahahahaha

Edited by green cell
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hmmm makes me think ten years ago maybe more. whats time when you live out side of soicety i couldnt remeber my age this morning and thats kinda comforting. i was falling into unconiusnes atm from monixed poisioning from a unsafe work vehical. when the moterist coming the other way when a fuckhead ute driver figered it was his road i was driving on so he wasnt going to move over.i was awakened to the sound of my truck and body smashing. fucker but he did me a favour it was shitty job lol
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umm right.

I feel sorry for the girl who died and her friends and famimly, the dickhead heroin user should be shot, not jailed, the guy is getting off easy, 10 years for murder and all the shit he did? WTF? The guy who unloaded that hash got 9 years and he wasnt even a mr big, just some 'hired hand'.. what a joke.

Like it has been said above give the grieving family 10 or so minutes with the guy then chuck him in prison to think about it.. Only problem there is, he's gunna get more H in prison i bet and not think, morons like that don't think they just go looking for their next zombie fix.

Ive seen heroin ruin some of my mates and their families lives, the shit is just evil, and i am glad that there has been a mega shortage of the crap in recent years in oz (i believe?)

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