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Victoria Police has got 70 new drones, ya won't be safe anywhere from the stnuc 


Fucking good hey, they are like a small army as it is, and they are not here to help


fucking spying on from above the dogs, won't be long till the council's get them as get them as well 

just to see if ya got an illegal hothouse or some other trivial shit 


I reckon privacy will be out the window and gone for good soon 




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Wait till 5G comes in, they won't need drones to spy on ya at home 

they will know everything you do, every power pole/street light will be tracking you 


all 5G is just a shit load more transmitters, microwave technology, with a nice 3D look at everything 

its military shit, and it can fuck you right up, and can be used as an offensive weapon, against US no doubt


Its going to get real scary in the future, the thought police will be everywhere


better get started on them tin foil hats folks lol

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Wow. Had a mate tell me a few weeks back that he seen big drones flying around out the bush. Said one followed his car and when he stopped to get a pic it took off.


I was laughing my arse off saying you know how fucking crazy you sound lol. He believes they were military but maybe cops looking for plantations ? He also said they were big like 3 times the size of a normal one.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Wait till 5G comes in, they won't need drones to spy on ya at home

they will know everything you do, every power pole/street light will be tracking you


all 5G is just a shit load more transmitters, microwave technology, with a nice 3D look at everything

its military shit, and it can fuck you right up, and can be used as an offensive weapon, against US no doubt


Its going to get real scary in the future, the thought police will be everywhere


better get started on them tin foil hats folks lol

Yeah that 5G network is scary shit with the things thay can do with satellite's and picture clarity. The drones will be the distraction while the satellite's do the spying.


Not to mention they not even sure if the waves emitted by 5G will cause tumors and other cancers yet.

But fuck put some fancy adds on tv from telstra telling us how we all need faster internet and all will be fine.

They can spy on us and give us cancer at the same time the cunts.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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