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Anyone tell me what this is?



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Did you have a coughing fit? It could be burst blood vessels.


It also could be you scratched your eye in your sleep or got some sort of irritant in it. Does it itch, sting or feel dry or scratchy? Have you been rubbing it?


Your eyes have a skin over them, a new skin is grown every night. Sometimes that skin doesn't have time to form properly and can irritate.


I would suggest if you are worried about it to get your ass to the dr, you can't afford to lose your eyes.

Edited by Pickle
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yeah sight is something u shouldnt risk....


want that point proven? get a pirate patch for 1 eye and keep it on all day and see how well u can walk, talk, etc... fucking anything u try to do is impared greatly with just 1 eye :shy:


anyways i wouldnt go to a stupid ass "i know everything about medicine" local doctor and i would go to an eye specialist....might cost a bit more but its better than going to the local quack 5 times in a week complaining about the same problem :peace:


although it may just be me that has the most retarded Dr this side of australia so still give ur local Dr a go if u cant get into a specialist...

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Possibly, but it sounds more like ya scratched your eyeball.


I've had a virus which infected my eye once, was quite nasty. Blew up like a balloon and the white was completely red. They couldn't do anything but some local anaesthetic cream and wait for it to clear. :shy:


If you smoke cigarettes it's been known that it can cause high intraocular pressure, but then again, cannabis is also known to reduce intra-ocular pressures as well, providing much relief for those suffering from glaucoma. So yeah, if your eyes were screwed with by smoking, it would be tobacco, not MJ IMHO, which did it. That's if you smoke....


But yeah, sounds more like ya scratched it. :peace:

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