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whats the story with hydroshop and psycho products

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hey i searched here for them no mention.This shop sells stuff at half the prices of everone else but they want your fucking bitchday and phonenumber before they will even show you the product.They make me parinoid.I have some psychofinish here i was thinking about using .Has anyone used there products with canna or anyother nutes for that matter.Are they good or just shit..is the store safe to use any experiences please
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they are ok, but I have never brought from then. I just know they have been around for along time and are aussie based.


I use some of the Experts choice nutrients from them. Which used to be called bud pounder.

And pshycho etc.

its all made by Aushydro.


I buy mine from www.hydrocentre.com.au IMO they are THE best online hydroshop!!




shows some psycho products.


Aushydro is damn good stuff.

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Hi ppl

yep ferengi you can get some imformation with out being a member.But not anything I need.I joined with fake info and I still couldnt get in.And even if i joined with the right info I would have to a paying member to access the forums or anything like that.Yep there probably are legit man but this sucks.I alo know iam using a freind of aq freinds balasts that come from aussi hydro and he got nabbed by the feds.i find giveing my details to ppl like this a major risk.Like they would a give afuck if you got busted.What you going to do post of there forum that mebers only are alowed to see.I am currently doing phone orders with supplier under a fake name and proxy address and and walking in and tranferring the money.But the dealer is to expensive.


as for the products .i have a bottle of psyhcofinish i wouldnt to use but iam not sure as i carnt get anymore that basic info.I dont know whats in it so I dont know if it will clash with my planed nute regime. canna flores + pk1314+silicon9not going ot use silcon in the last few weeks) canisym and maybe nulife stop wilt and power active somwhere in there too.Iam looking at humic acid and trying ot find fulvic acid also.hell i dont even know if you supose to use psychfinsh with nutes or just with water in the last week. GC

ps Iam thniking aobut trying hydrocentre

Edited by green cell
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As for information, just ask on the boards. Someone will know. :scratchin


as for a finishing agent, playing up with your nutes etc. its not an issue as when you start to flush and use the finish agent then you shouldnt be using anything at all. other than the finish agent, and water.


Also why do you need all that other junk?? All a plant need to grow is A+B, and ph adjusters.

Sure later on these products will refine the plant, but a fairly new grower wont get any benefit from such additives etc.


Once you do a few decent harvests then start the additives etc.


Hydrocentre is good mate, alot of us use Scott.

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yea ferengi I started this grow thinking just the basic canna nutes would do it but after the big mag defiency and sick plants I changed my ideas admitedly my conditions where the reason not the nutes(low humidity and high heat)but the basic cana nutes are basic indeed used in a bubbler the problems get worse.canna is very basic and dwc you really need some protection for your roots.canna adresses this in canna aqua .I beleive it does contain silicon.(canizme also suposed to help in this regard) mj needs amino acids and fulvic acid and all sorts of things found in dirt that isnt found in most nutes.


phsycofinish is suposed to be used for the last 2 weeks on top of you nutes i think.But i plan to use pk1314 so I really need to know if it has and P in it or I will burn my plants doubling up.


Iam not sure if i have mentioned this before but I added 750ml of phyco sillicon to 50litres of water and got less then 50 ppm.I have a gt technologys sheet here that recomends 1800ppm of silica so do the math I think phyco silcia is piss week.Iam buying flairform silicamagic next 4mls per 10 litres will produce 80ppm silica apparently.


but hey i would like to this bottle of pshcofinish if i was sure it would do any damage...........GC ad yea i will try hydrocentre thanks for the tip

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