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Fungus Gnats or Something Else?

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Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app


lol, is that all ya got?  ok, I will attempt to respond to your comments:



I posted that on 3/5,the straw really worked goat,looks like u know as much about soil as u do most things:


Not sure what you mean. 


I do not believe the mulch was a problem. 


I do not think your advice was sound. 


Considering you grow in clay balls and feed your poor plants a concoction of 20 different synthetic nutes, I would suggest your knowledge of a living soil is even less than mine. 


Continuing to read your comments below only adds weight to my suggestion.


And just out of curiosity what benefit he gonna get from straw indoors goat?


I do not see how indoors our outdoors makes a difference to the importance of mulching a living soil. 


To quote Itchy's earlier response, which you obviously haven't read or understood:


"imho best to work on "out competing" unwanted pests which is the exact opposite to what most 

recommend = let the soil or top soil dry out , this is most likely good thinking if you are in a synthetic

system but not so good for the living soil growers , drying out the soil kills or forces dormancy

on the microorganisms , these soil dwellers are growing & protecting your plant & need a constant 

moisture level to thrive & keep there territory & food source protected"


I have also researched this when using the easy as organics (EAO) living soil.  Member DNG on here always stressed the importance of mulching.  


I will also point you to this article regarding living soil.  Check out Rule number 6: https://buildasoil.com/pages/the-complete-system


Especially on a 3 or 4 month grow?


You are not understanding the purpose of a living soil. 


At the end of the 3-4 month grow, it is not simply thrown outside in the garden to grow monster male plants in...


It is top dressed and planted in again. 


My understanding is that each grow will get better, though I cannot comment on this from experience. 

I do have a 50L container of living soild from this past outdoor season.  I top dressed it with some new organic soil and some Kelp meal and added new mulch.  I have been watering it only a little once a week.  After 4 weeks I peel back the new mulch and it is thriving with worms and the mulch is breaking down quite rapidly.  I will be moving this indoors, mulch and all, in the coming weeks, so feel free to tag along when I document the grow, see if i can breed some gnats indoors:)


Think the light has enough energy to start the decaying process?


Not sure what that means?  Everything is decaying at all times... 


Will the soil need anything if it is indeed a living "soil " in that time frame


I cannot comment on Veritas mix, but the EAO mix i used outdoors did not require anything except water.  I did not even top the mulch up on it through the entire grow.  So likely nothing, but again, if you read Itchy's earlier response there is some great info there. 


Probably already killed microbes


How so?  because the mulch was removed and the soil dried out on top? 


I know I asked the wrong person because u wouldn't have a clue


Oki doki.


U truly r the goat of DCs


lol.  Whatever mate, keep on growing ya crappy looking plants and spruiking ya shit house expensive nutrients..   :)


DC !

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lol, is that all ya got? ok, I will attempt to respond to your comments:



I posted that on 3/5,the straw really worked goat,looks like u know as much about soil as u do most things:


Not sure what you mean.


I do not believe the mulch was a problem.


I do not think your advice was sound.


Considering you grow in clay balls and feed your poor plants a concoction of 20 different synthetic nutes, I would suggest your knowledge of a living soil is even less than mine.


Continuing to read your comments below only adds weight to my suggestion.


And just out of curiosity what benefit he gonna get from straw indoors goat?


I do not see how indoors our outdoors makes a difference to the importance of mulching a living soil.


To quote Itchy's earlier response, which you obviously haven't read or understood:


"imho best to work on "out competing" unwanted pests which is the exact opposite to what most

recommend = let the soil or top soil dry out , this is most likely good thinking if you are in a synthetic

system but not so good for the living soil growers , drying out the soil kills or forces dormancy

on the microorganisms , these soil dwellers are growing & protecting your plant & need a constant

moisture level to thrive & keep there territory & food source protected"

I have also researched this when using the easy as organics (EAO) living soil. Member DNG on here always stressed the importance of mulching.


I will also point you to this article regarding living soil. Check out Rule number 6: https://buildasoil.com/pages/the-complete-system


Especially on a 3 or 4 month grow?


You are not understanding the purpose of a living soil.


At the end of the 3-4 month grow, it is not simply thrown outside in the garden to grow monster male plants in...


It is top dressed and planted in again.


My understanding is that each grow will get better, though I cannot comment on this from experience.

I do have a 50L container of living soild from this past outdoor season. I top dressed it with some new organic soil and some Kelp meal and added new mulch. I have been watering it only a little once a week. After 4 weeks I peel back the new mulch and it is thriving with worms and the mulch is breaking down quite rapidly. I will be moving this indoors, mulch and all, in the coming weeks, so feel free to tag along when I document the grow, see if i can breed some gnats indoors:)


Think the light has enough energy to start the decaying process?


Not sure what that means? Everything is decaying at all times...


Will the soil need anything if it is indeed a living "soil " in that time frame


I cannot comment on Veritas mix, but the EAO mix i used outdoors did not require anything except water. I did not even top the mulch up on it through the entire grow. So likely nothing, but again, if you read Itchy's earlier response there is some great info there.


Probably already killed microbes


How so? because the mulch was removed and the soil dried out on top?


I know I asked the wrong person because u wouldn't have a clue


Oki doki.


U truly r the goat of DCs


lol. Whatever mate, keep on growing ya crappy looking plants and spruiking ya shit house expensive nutrients.. :)


DC !

Well ya answered mic. Now my turn how will 70ml of neen in 9lt can negatively effect his living soil??


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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You were slandering my advice at the start of this thread. Well thats how i took it anyway. Neem is fucking awesome stuff billy as a soil drench of foliage spray. You should try it.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app


Ahh yes, just read again... 


Just assume my comments were aimed at Micmac and his rubbish advice :)


I have a bottle of neem just never had a need to use it.

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U DC,all the information u have cut n pasted is based on a outside crop,not 1 plant in a small pot

The reason I say remove the mulch is because it has no immediate advantage,but more a problem

1 if it is indeed a good quality soil mixture it won't need a top dress for awhile,when it does a layer of worm castings will be all it should need

2 I tried this exact same thing about 9 months ago,what I found was that the layer between the soil n the mulch never dried out,causing a damp mouldy smell,upon investigating I could this damp layer which was already had larvae there

3 the top layer of the soil never dried out so the plants always had the appearance of over watering

4 water retention shouldn't be a problem as the OP can't help himself from watering

5 if u think the light is gonna dry out n kill the fungi n bacteria in the soil all outside soils exposed to sun would be healthy

6 his first grow,maybe he should keep it simple n eliminate pests b4 they arrive



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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we shouldn't be arguing , this is silly , we've all got small cocks alright or maybe that's just me lol 


sorry but i gotta say that was pretty impressive reply earlier bill  , didn't think you'd keep going down the living

soil path like you have , top stuff mate 


also , i'd be a little careful with bringing that pot indoors , remember it's had the luxury of a full 

soil food web outdoors , you will loose half the web when you move indoors , some predators won't 

be coming in with you & those bugs might be the ones keeping something else in check in your pot 

you might be fine , don't do it if you have flowering plants in there already only to an empty rood 

imho best to start an indoor eco system indoors & v a v outdoors  


micmac there's nothing wrong with what your saying , i followed very similar principles for years 

but as bill mentioned Veritas is trying to go down the no till growing path so i felt the need to mention

some of those methods , not as a " Your Fucken Wrong " attack mate 


to be honest mic that sounds like you over watered , if you had a smell , that's not normal 

a quality compost should never go rancid unless its too wet for to long 


imho it would be better for Veritas to learn to water correctly for the long term benefit that

learning will give him 


we don't have to justify our way of growing to anyone but ourselves  


peace love & mung beans brother 



Now on to those bottles cooper , you'd need to make sure but they are most likely Azadirachtin extract from neem

if you feel like a read here is a study from a uni in Thailand https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-95162015000400020

basically what they are saying is neem oil as a whole increases microbe populations

but the azadirachtin extrac had the opposite effect & decreased populations even though the aza is in the neem 

but obviously not as strong   

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