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Cannabis Genetics Guide: Phenotypes, Lineage, Family Trees

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Cannabis Genetics Guide: Phenotypes, Lineage, and Marijuana Family Trees
Confused by cannabis genetics? You're not alone!



When it comes to cannabis genetics and the ‘Marijuana Family Tree,’ we’ve unfortunately been left to the devices of anecdotal information over much of the last half-century. In other words, there is very little reliable scientific data as to where the thousands of present-day cannabis strains came from, and what exactly their specific genetic traits consist of.


In fact, as we learn more and more about the historic genetic lineage of cannabis, we (and by “we” I am referring to scientists who actually study this stuff), are seeing an increasing likelihood that all forms of marijuana belong to a single species: Cannabis sativa L.


Of course, that’s not to say there are dozens (if not hundreds or even thousands) of different ways in which marijuana can “present itself” – some plants are short and bushy and provide calming, sedative effects, while other plants rocket towards the sky and resemble more of a beanstalk than a marijuana plant.


In this article, we discuss as comprehensively (and painlessly) as possible everything we know about cannabis genetics, including the historical origins of the plant, what the real differences between an indica and sativa are, and where all of these thousands of different “strains” with their ridiculous names came from. Let’s get started.


A Basic Introduction to Marijuana Genetics 

click above link to continue reading - slightly long


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History is awesome, I did some deep searching on this subject a while ago and some theories suggested that it probably goes as far back as "semi aquatic asparagus like plant growing in a primeval swamp, protecting itself from being eaten by a dinosaur by way of (such as hops or cannabis) unpleasant flavours and effects to grazing animals.."


These days I look to the vast amount of compounds that are being further understood these days, and we are a long way from fully utilising it's full potential!


Modern analysis is really starting to pinpoint trends in any given strain or hybrid which is in itself really interesting regardless of generalised anectdotes (feels we might have) lol


Yep I'm wasted lil



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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I have found many sites that are great for genetics family tree and then we are given a description of the one they grew or just chose to give a description of.I am so careful with genetics because they are near to everything.I have been using hybrid strains since before mark emory started sendi9ng to australia.Am i missing something.They never seem to fully explain phenos anywhere.There are strains so rock solid it dosent matter but thats rare.Please can we all start adding any knowledge we have into sharing anything known about different phenos of the strain being discussed.I am capable of telling a traits as plant shows form but can we all start talking phenos when talking strains.(I believe some breeders have a hide calling what they have as a strain)

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