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Small fan advice?

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So I have a small grow tent 50 X 90 X 160

Small footprint but bit of height, most I could go.


Looking to get a small fan, obviously need to get air in there, but I'm only looking for min to just change the air, I don't need carbon, no neighbours to worry about, and I don't want something noisy.


Was thinking a better computer fan, taped onto duct, then use a short piece of pipe over the duct, to give it some rigidity to tighten the two vent drawcords over.


Really want to try avoid a huge axial inline fan, as have space, noise, and financial limitations.





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If you're considering computer fans keep in mind there 2 or 3 different types for different purposes. It's not so much the motors that  are different, it's more to do with the fan blades pitch and the volume they move. So yeah, that's something you might have to research a bit yourself.


Most common size these days are around the 120mm mark. but I built a PC for one of the kids before Christmas, and the intake case fans are 200mm which do a good job, they're not high rpm fans, but seem to move a good volume of air nonetheless.


Good luck with it all, NBG. :good:

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Hi Newbudgrower :)


second indy's advice. i'm using 3 x noctua 200mm fans and they are quiet and can move a bit of air. these are 12v fans though and need to be plugged into some kind of computer-related power - not usb unfortunately. i use a phobos 240v to 12v power brick, which works great ... but more stuff starts to get more expensive. the other way is to look at ac infinity fans - these use usb, so easy to connect. i have one of the 120mm fans hooked up to a space bucket and it is quiet, but doesn't move enough air to use as a tent intake - more suited to moving air around during veg in a small tent.


if you decide to go the power brick way, just let me know and i can recommend a good place to buy one - i also use a noctua fan controller and three-way splitter, which gives a bit more control over air flow and noise.

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Hey mate, I use the usb fans plugged into wall chargers

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com.au%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F283356069384 something like that.


I have 3 at the top of my tent venting out. Temps are alright, usually about outside temperature which isn't to bad as I have it in a shed but have my inlet sucking air from outside the shed. I run a qauntum board led so heat output isn't to bad.

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