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Ok, why am I reading crap about d1ck pics here? I swear with the best of you and tnuc is used like mate but come on guys my husband sees my phone and my son often walks up and asks me questions when I'm on it.

Would you lot like your wives or kids to have stuff like that that's not yours on your wives/partners phones.

Unless a dck suddenly starts growing amazing cannabis buds put it away from a camera


Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

Not exactly a dick growing buds,5g of 200 micron Dark Star Kush x A11 dry sift




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I see the point you're trying to make but no one has posted anything offensive that I have seen,if you don't like having a few laughs in your own thread that's fine but as long as it's not against the TOUs I'm more than happy for people to have a bit of light hearted humour in mine.



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

Some pics of Silver Lotus from last season

Your plants are at least twice as big this year.
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