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Flowering but really worried about leaf issues (pics attached)

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Hi all, 


1st grow, just one plant that was given to me by an ex, was being grown on a window sill, was about 30cm when I adopted her, she's  been resurrected more times than Dracula, 


I bought a grow tent and kit (not just for her, was thinking about starting a little grow) so Ive been trying to keep her alive and I've somehow taken her to flowering, 


I've got so far I dont want all the time and effort to go to waste, I'm growing organic, im using maily Biobizz nutes, 


Can any one see what my problem maybe and suggestions please, posted some pics to see what you think,  







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During the grow cycle the plant stores nutrients in its leaves then during the flower cycle it draws on its stores

I have found that usually the plant draws the nutes from the lower leaves first and they brown off and die. But if the required nutes are not available lower down it will start to draw them from further up.

You state that "...she's  been resurrected more times than Dracula..." and this could well mean that the availability of those specific nutes has been restricted.

Here's a chart that may help in identifying any nute deficiencies



I agree with Inthewoods that she looks almost ready enough anyway, so I'd be suggesting a good flush to remove the build up of salts, then chop. But she'll need to be flushed well.


Hope it helps


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