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What is wrong with my runty plant?

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I have 2 each of 4 varieties all at week 7 but one plant has since day 1 been weird.


Its a Bruce Banner (Photo) that has always seemed very healthy but stayed very small (about 40cm) and very dwarf like compared to its sister plant and all others in the grow. It grew vigorously so far as leaf growth but not in relation to height.


It looked like some kind of bizzare leafy mop until I removed a huge amount of leaves to expose what seem to be flower sites but they seem to be sparse and there are not a lot of pistils and even now at week 7 its hard to see the pistils and doesn't look like its flowering.


What is wrong with it? Any help/advice would be appreciated.







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The seed is from  original sensible seeds and bred them which is disappointing as I've previously found them to be quite a good supplier.


All the 8 in the grow were sown into the pots.


This one has just been weird since it first come up, when it first sprouted I thought its leaves might be fused or something then its subsequent leaves were ok but its been very dwarfish and seemed to freak out after going to 12/12 and was a huge mass of little leaves like a leafy mop.


I  hope that The rest of the seeds don't do the same. :(

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