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Stunted growth

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These homemade sprays do you just chop it all up finely then boil it, strain out the solids then use as a spray?

Yes I need to put more thought into companion planting,



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

I put a the scrap from a couple of onions and a garlic clove with about a teaspoon of ground coriander seed in the milkshake maker with a half cup of water to mash it up. Then added that to a boiled kettle of water and left to brew over night. Strain and spray. Smells like death, but removed the infestation from my indoors grow.


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Looks like whitefly or spidermite?


Looks like one on first photo far right leaf middle finger?


Give a spray of Neem, cayenne pepper and some eco soap may help. However you need to start an IPM regime if anything


Can you see any bugs on the underside of the leafs??

Edited by bakedcake
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