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Win a pound of BC marijuana!

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I am forwarding this link to lightly and effectively bring home the significant difference between the US and Canada/the rest of the world: Gone Hollywood Pictures is giving away ONE POUND OF BC MARIJUANA to the winner of their Make-My-Marijuana-Commercial contest to promote the release of their new movie, The Passion Of The Reefer.




Full disclosure, I am the foreign markets licensor for Gone Hollywood Pictures, the producers of the film.

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sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me :thumbsup


i would do something along the lines of government owned mj chains donating their mass profits back into the communities for new roads, schools, etc...that way by smoking up, we would be helping out our neighbours as well :thumbsup


i think that this could do wonders for the mj community world wide if the media pay attention and even run a few of the ads that are made...be even better if a few politicians see them and start thinking that its a good idea to legalise mj and put the provits back into their countries :smoke


IMO, if mj use builds schools, roads, provides better medical care, etc. it wont be classed as a "bad drug" but will be socially accepted like alcohol AND i believe that alot of people will push mj use over alcohol because its less lethal, usually people are too stoned to fight and it'll benifit the communty if they smoke up instead of drinking :smoke


now i just gotta put that on film :thumbsup

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