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Got a hot mix n have made it even hotter

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What do you mean sorry micmac and how would i avoid this?


Ive checked twice during lights out 18 both times. No other form of heater just the lights (plenty - 900w leds in a small tent). Lights are out from 6pm - 12pm so nice and cool but not as cold as it gets in the hours before sunrise. Drops to 15 or so but lights are on by then

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Too much fertiliser, n then u feeding constantly

U gotta make up your mind, do u want to grow in soil, all the nutrients for the plants life should already be in pot so all u do is water

Or use coco n perlite only, this is a hydroponic medium so it requires nutrients as it is neutral medium

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When the temps get around 15 you'll find the water will turn from vapour back to a liquid

This water will then fall onto plants

Because the is not enough air n heat they won't evaporate quickly enough , sitting on leaf n getting burnt off by lights causing those brown n possibly black spots, it's some sort of rust fungi,no need panic

Were those plants worse affected around the perimeter?this is where it starts normally

You'll find this much more of a problem in flower so best to address it now

Ideally lights out temps need to be above that point of condensation, 20c is a safe temp



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My bad micmac i thought i did include it in the first post. The mix is 50% coco, 10% compost/worm castings etc, 25% perlite, 10% 5mm gravel & 5% river sand. With dolomite lime at 2tbsp/gallon. I tried just coco and perlite and it retained waaay too much moisture.


Surely the 10% compost isnt much food at all and isnt going to last for long anyways?


So i'll switch their dark period to the middle of the day here, currently around 22 and the lights can run all night that should keep a more stable temp and the next soil mix i will omit any compost etc. The same mix has worked perfectly for me up until now. K.I.S.S


Thanks for the wisdom micmac really appreciate the help

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Why do you say that pedro? I add the compost mix to create a more living medium and the dolomite for cal/mag and ph buffering. Neither have been a problem in the past :-(


Edit: man that had me confused for a second there pedro i was thinking i am sure i have replied to this already... must of smoked a few too many tonight


Medium is listed in original post and lights out temps around 18c

Because you have a PH problem and a over ferty problem, i'd put them in bigger pots, and just use perlite or something to fill them up

flush the fuck out of them with PH'd water and start again, the roots will grow into the perlite, where there will be no probs, unless ya fuck it up

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Less coco the better, its already buffered with C and MG and you added more,

i don't use coco anymore the last time was 2 100l bags of perlite to 1 50l bag of coco

use dirt instead of coco now


Whaaat coco contains calcium and magnesium?? I thought it was inert? I know it can buffer ph but theres no cal mag in it is there?


Because you have a PH problem and a over ferty problem, i'd put them in bigger pots, and just use perlite or something to fill them up

flush the fuck out of them with PH'd water and start again, the roots will grow into the perlite, where there will be no probs, unless ya fuck it up

so drop the coco altogether? And just grow in perlite for rest of grow? I feel like i'll need to be watering 4-5 times a day if just in perlite? Dont have a drip feed system in place and work 50hrs a weeks.


I found even with 50\50 perlite/coco it was staying saturated for days and compacting down on itself so just wouldnt drain. Ended up with root rot etc... bad coco?

Edited by melacao
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