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New User with Question RE: NSW Laws



Hi Everyone,

I was searching the internet for some info and this board looks pretty cool and you lot look friendly and informed so i thought i would ask my question here.


I have been suffering major depression for the last 4 years, it became extremely serious 6 months ago and i was sent to a doctor who prescribed me Aropax.

At first it worked, but now i am back to my bad condition and the medication does nothing to me. I actually think i feel worse now as i am unable to get to sleep at night.


Recently i tried MJ for my first time, and i have to admit it was the first time i was happy and actually laughed and felt relaxed in the last 4 and a half years.


My question is if i go back to my doctor and tell him this to try to get medicinal MJ is it legal in Australia? I am scared to do this because of the initial response i will get from the doctor and my parents.


At this point i am feeling very helpless and unsure of what i can do as i have never liked the idea of taking pills, when i first started taking them i starting shaking from the fear of getting addicted to them or the side effects, which seem to be much more serious in anti-depressants than MJ which 'seem' to be fairly harmless.


Some assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the vague username, i am scared of being caught and getting a criminal record, as i would lose my job.


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Thanks Ferengi420,

I have no idea how much 15 grams is, must be a fair amount though. EDIT: Ok ive been reading medical and law enforcement sites and 15 grams seems like quite a bit


Also i was wondering what does breathing in the smoke after it has gone through the water in the bong do to it? Im guessing there is a purpose to it since so many people use this method. :scratchin

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15 grams is not much at all. It's about half an ounce.


The laws are too tough in this reguard, a dealer would need to have at least a pound to be financialy viable, and even then if 16 regular smokers come to him all at once (not all that far fetched if this is the dealers primary income) he is left with nothing. In other words a pound to a dealer is not much. So the laws reguarding commercial quantities are a joke.


Think about that mr piggy next time you think you busted a big drug producer. All those pissy little busts you make and they could never add up to the huge amount that is out there. You are missing the mr bigs by miles and persecuting the people who want to remove themselves from associating with the dealers.


The water takes a lot of the ash and heavier tar out of the smoke. It does make it a bit less potent but i am happy not to be breathing ash.

Edited by Pickle
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I Will never EVER EVER forgive the government for Making My Medicine illegal!


Nothing can make up for not let dying people use cannabis!


There are people dying a painfull death but they dont have to die like that if cannabis was legal for medical use that pisses me off people shouldnt have to die in pain because the goverment is bullshit :D

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I read in another post that doctors can write letters 'recommending' the use of MJ to help medically. The main reason for this, is if the police bust you, you can get off.

Is this true? If so, that would be great.

Not that I am aware of in Australia, unless possibly in NSW but someone there would have to fill you in on that as their new med laws seem to be a bit of a mess.


Medical use in NSW is still against the law, however if you carry a legimate looking doctor's letter, police may decide to act with discretion and not arrest. Don't rely on this to be the case, different police officer - different reaction.


Follow this link to download a doctor's letter (PDF) revalent to NSW patients.

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