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what shoud I do???

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hey hows it going all please help me out. I am new to growing been wanting to do it for ages, had 9 9cm plants going last year and they died when i went on on a holiday. anyway i planted 6 seeds 2 weeks ago, 4 didnt go and 2 did and are looking good.

I put them in warm water for 24 hours then planted.

I wouldnt have a clue what soil but it had all earthworms and shit in it so i thought that must be good.


Recently noticed that there are small brown spots on the leaves. what is this from and what should i do to fix it?? is it from lack of nutrients if yeah, what should i give it?


These 2 are 2 wks old do they look good and preety healthy? i water everyday.

all feedback is greatful, thanks. zoom in if you cant see it properly. little brown specs.

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I think you will find that the size of the image was probably too big it has to be a maximum of 100kb, if your unsure how to shrink and optimise images click the link in my sig


as for the brown spots they could be a number of things such as the light being too close , nutrient levels too high or some sort of nutrient deficiency to properly identify it we will need to see a picture though so try the rezising thing because I belive that is where your probelm will be if you still have issues let me know and I will fix it

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hello mate


if you want to put a pic up use your ms paint which if your running xp will downsize pics .


you have to go into the top menu "image" i think then you want to goto stretch/skew now when it asks for a new size stick in 50 and 50 and it should half the size of the image. do this untill it is under 100kb and it should allow you to post.


peace and i hope this helps p_L

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Firstly the picture needs to be in JPEG (*.jpg) format and 102400 bytes (100 kilobytes) or less in size. If the picture is in another format I usually open it in Paint (Start/Programs/Accessories/Paint) and then use File, Save As, Save as type, to save the picture in JPEG (*.JPG,~~~*.JFIF) format. If the picture is still too large then I copy and paste the important part to a new file (File/New) and save it again. To copy a part of the picture I select the dotted rectangular frame from the top right of the menu on the left of the screen, I then frame the part of the picture I want to post (hold left mouse button down and drag the pointer), right click the mouse inside the frame and select copy from the menu that appears, open a new file (File/New don’t save any changes if asked), right click on the white bit of the screen and select paste from the menu, save the file and if small enough post it.


You don’t need to take a lot off a photo to reduce it enough to post but it may take a few tries to get it to the right size sometimes, I get slack and cut a big chunk out first go so they usually come up well under the limit.



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