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Moving plant outdoors to indoors

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Hi guys,


I'm after some advice. I currently have a super lemon haze that's about 2 - 3 weeks from harvest (approx 9wks into flower) that's been growing outdoors. Normally I would never move a plant as it's in the ground not in a pot but the forecast for the next couple of weeks is looking pretty dreary with rain and cloud most days.


So I'm really worried about the plant not finishing and was thinking of potting it up and then putting it under my light for the last couple of weeks. Do you know if it's worth it? Or if I'm better off leaving it in the ground and just hoping that it finishes eventually? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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don't dig the plant out of the ground to save it, you will probably kill it and/or screw things up more than you would than if you kept it where it is.

just keep an eye on your plant and check for all the nasties, pull early if needed.

better to pull it early than to lose it all


it's just a plant, and plants do ok in our water-logged weather

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ive moved plants while there in head before with no issues but i moved mine from one spot to another back in the ground though not into pots and the transfer was very fast i had em out and into there new spot within minutes and only because i absolutely had to do it, best to leave it be and it should handle the rain just be checkin for mould daily if youve got bad weather and when i say bad weather i mean days of non stop rain otherwise they should be fine


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