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I became an 18yr old adult, only to realise that my parents no longer provided a safety from the outside world like the Australian National Wildlife Parks and Recreation does...

A few years ago i grew a plant, SAME AS THE COCKINESS OF AN INVINCIBLE ATTITUDE OF A YOUNG DUMB DULL OF CUM, AND MY COCKS BIGGER THAN YOURS, and a seedling gives you a charge of $2000 street value and in the eyes of the lawmakers and opposing public oppinions and is always presented in the media as my ' fish was this fucken big' fully blown right out of proportion...

A few years ago i grew one plant and dobbed myself in... i thought since i have never heard of someone dobbing themselves in for what is deemed as a crime here in australia and overseas i can access knowledge freely... i felt injustice

I had an inditatable quantaty of the stem of the plant and one bag of flower trim left... which was over 412 grams...

I was let off with a charge of cultivation, distribution and 2 good behavior bonds + approximately $350 fines...

I immediately after being released accessed my phone and wrote in point form to news stations eg. Tv stations...

Next minute your seeing dan hazlams story on the news

I'm like finally

I'm crying out here but i see too much fear for anyone to find out the truths

I have been a member here for years tho i have used different screen names and have always learnt and never posted

I'm a ghost

A ghost like you will be one day

Thankyou to all that have taught me things, but cos of fear i see there is missing info here and i have not read every truth behind cannabis...

All good tho

My thoughts are with those who have had a passion who have battled to let the little daisies come up to get the medicine out and continue to spread the word... my heroes

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First when i read the Thread tittle i was concerned and now i have read the post im a little confused now to. I don't know what to say realy...


I will just leave this here just in case some one needs them.


PH 13 11 14


All the best Sharker.

always looking after the youngsters. lol


Still got me wondering, why fuck up your whole life with a cultivation conviction? That will never go away. No good job, no travelling over seas, no government employment.


Good luck.

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always looking after the youngsters. lol


Still got me wondering, why fuck up your whole life with a cultivation conviction? That will never go away. No good job, no travelling over seas, no government employment.


Good luck.

You can be a convicted heroin dealer, and get a job, a good government job, like the head of NSW health 

fuck you can even get Tanya Plibersek, some tnuc have no morals, hey Tanya

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