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HELP!!! Little grasshoppers eating my plants!!

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Hey there fellow stoners B)


Well, my girls are all in the ground now

but these little brown striped GRASSHOPPERS or

Crickets about 3mm in length are eating the fuck out

of my plants.

the plants are all about 1 1/2ft tall (sexed girls indoors)

and are otherwise quite lovely but I;m worried I'm gonna

lose em to these bastards.


does anyone have any advice


Cheers and Peace

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Go to your local garden centre/supplier, and find a sprayable product that contains cyfluthrin as it prime active constituent. It has a relatively low toxic effect on anything but insects, and it has a reasonable residual longevity. Locusts and grasshoppers don't like the taste of it for a start, but any that 'tough out' the taste will die anyway. Reapplication will be necessary, as new growth will not be as well protected.


Otherwise, initial eradication with any broad spectrum insecticide, followed by complete coverage with fine mesh is an effective yet cumbersome alternative.

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