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Harvest ready or not

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Got two plants which have been flowering for around 5 weeks.

In the last few days many of the white hairs have gone brown and shriveled up.

I’ve used a magnifying glass and the white hairs still don’t look cloudy.

I hate this dilemma each year, when to harvest.

Please look at the pics and give me your opinions post-47564-0-54626500-1519621258_thumb.jpegpost-47564-0-95125200-1519621324_thumb.jpeg

If not ready, how long?

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I’m a total newbie (first time grower) but from what I’ve read I don’t think any strain is ready for harvest at 5 weeks. I very well may be wrong though! What strain is it? And do you have a 40-60x microscope because I don’t think these photos are zoomed in enough to fully see the trichomes and their clarity




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Hey Cantgrow,

You really do need a scope to properly be able to see the trichomes. The oldskool method used to be when the hairs brown off. The problem being that the hairs brown off way before the trichomes do. Here's a pic that may help



EDIT: The trichomes are on top of the tiny little hairs on the leaf surface, only just visible to the human eye. The white hairs that turn brown on the buds are the stamins



Edited by merl1n
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Hi cantgrow, if you could post a pic of the whole plant please it may help me give you a more exact idea of when your plant is going to be ready, also the hairs can be a good indicator of when your plant is close but not on the first set, most plants will have and initial burst of hairs and then die off and then produce a second set of hairs and sometimes even a third set, i see a lot of cloudy trichomes and some people like to harvest while there trichs are cloudy but i would wait until almost all the hairs have browned off on the second set of hairs, it really comes down to the type of stone your chasing, cloudy trichs will give you a more up and go speedy type stone and amber trichs will give you a more couchlock type body stone, hope it helps and post pick of whole plant if you can, cheers,,,GQ


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The easiest way to tell is when the bottom leaves start to yellow on mass and at the top of the buds the will be a couple of brown hairs , once it stopped throwing white and they turn brown , a week later they start disappearing and no more white hairs start

Be careful they can go brown then back to white a few times till finished



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Edited by micmac
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Yeah unsure of the strain as my seeds got mixed up

Seed company says 8-9 week flowering.

Think I’ll wait at least another 2 weeks

Think about what GQ said. I’d let this one go ten weeks. If you rush your harvest, you will yield a lot less and it won’t necessarily carry the traits you’d expect from that particular strain or phenotype. Not that you know in this case! Label EVERYTHING! Good luck.



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