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is Hydro worth the cost


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There is both + and - for both indoors and out.


Indoors you can be held back by hight room size and temp controll just the basics.


Out side unwanted eye or to big to hold it self weather smell no water.


Yes out side the issues are not as much as indoors can be but they are still there and some u wont get with indoors as u will on an out doors.


Hydro setup and running can b costly, i have dropped close to 1k so far and will prob need a few hundred spent before i am ready to turn the switch, but what i can produce can be a lot better than out doors because you have full contorll over it compared to most out doors and there are strains out there that just not suited to growing out side...

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IMO Depends on how ya grow as to yields. Giving a % is pretty impossible as every grow is different. Even growing the same strain doesn't mean the same result.

But inside you control the environment so less bugs, less mould issues (if you ventilate sufficiently), less odours (again if you control sufficiently) More security too.

As for hassles, once you have everything keyed in, hassles can be minimal indoor. Less than outdoor, well, that's debatable.


That's my opinion anyways

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Is Hydro worth the cost


Short answer is yes. But I'd suggest buying the parts and assembling your own hydroponic setup. That way if any repairs are required, you already know what to do and have the parts readily available. If you buy a "system" as such, you'll usually be fucked because you may need the manufacturers parts to fix it. Which amounts to more down time and expense.

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...Indoor in pots vs indoor hydro? you will still need lighting the same? space same ish? fans/ventilation same?

Yea, all the same.

The 2 differences are 1) your grow medium. So that's soil vs perlite or coco coir

and 2) your watering system. So tubing, tubs, pumps (air and water)


So same lighting, same space and same ventilation.

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