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First time grow - have I cooked one of my girls?

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Long time lurker, first time post with first time grow woes:


Lighting – Spider COB 4 182watt output

150mm hyperfan exhaust and inlet.


1 x Northlights Auto

1 x Gorilla Glue auto

1 x White Widow auto

Growing in coco using Rock A/B, manual feed & water, germinated 30/11/17

pH 5.8 – 5.9

EC was around 1.4, dropped to 1 over the last week – following dosing guidelines for Rock 3mL A/B per litre.

Humidity varies from 55 – 68%


I was intending to set up a tent in a bungalow on my property, but the minimal insulation meant in heated up far too quickly on a day above 30c.


As an interim solution, I moved my grow into a cupboard in a spare which seemed to be working OK until  my Northern Lights lady got a bit too big, sitting about 30cm under my LED.


Now we hit a 40c day recently and the combination wasn’t a healthy one, temp was around 32c at the canopy. At the time the NL was a fair bit taller than the GG & WW and seemed to have coped the brunt of it, via the air intake and fan blowing hot air across her.


Fast forward a week and I’ve now got the tent set up in the spare room, girls moved out of the cupboard - much more room and temps are only 2c above ambient , but I’m super concerned about my NL girl.

Where I’m assuming the bud sites would be there seems to be some crisping of the leaves .


I’m assuming heat damage, big question – is she fucked beyond help or is it just going to delay flowering?


GG & WW are currently doing well.





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Those curled leaves definitely show signs of heat stress , maybe too strong nutes hard to tell with those shots , are the leaves really dark green , that could be nitrogen high

Others might be able to tell u more



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Leaves are pretty dark, but only the new growth seems to be affected by the curling, no signs of other leaves clawing down

Lift ya light


Light was lifted to around 80cm above the canopy when I shifted into the tent

Edited by duckduckgrow
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As a precaution, I usually have a fan blowing air between the light and the top of the canopy. That way you can get/keep the light a little closer. Usually have another fan moving air under the plants and above the pots, for air movement and to stop any bugs from getting too comfortable (taking hold).

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Try to get your fans sucking cool air , u can't keep running hot air over then , to achieve this I open doors so fans r getting fresh air at the back



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I do the same over pots and a couple pushing up into canopy



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i +hink pedro's close 2 mark

looks like ligh+ burn 2 me

spida 4's onli sucking 180w a+ wall

i had one 4 a while and found 20-24 inchs from canopi was bes+


upgraded 2 spida 4 +.........800w

was goin good un+il popo used wrecking ball 2 show me who was bigger ma n


no milee cirus ie+her

soz,can+ spell 4 shi+


ex special hin+ ( lis+en 2 micmac)

Edited by afgahn bob
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Cheers for the replies:


To summarise -


Light shifted to around 30" above canopy

Airflow with cooler air increased, temp is about 24-25c

Circulating fan shifting air around, kind of bouncing of the tent walls, not directly onto the plants.


Now the two unaffected plants seem to be doing well, looking like first week of flowering with buds forming, but the big question is how long before I see any recovery on the Northern Lights auto, she was about a week in front of the other two.

If the pre budding sites were cooked during that one day, is this something a plant can bounce back from or are we talking a lost cause?



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as ure probs aware au+os have pre-defined lifespan

so ani damage is gonna affec+ weigh+ when u harves+

don'+ know if burn+ si+es will recover,fingers crossed new grow+h will be ok

def don'+ give up on her as reduced smoko be++er +han no smoko

would do gradual lower of ligh+ back 2 20-24 in

sounds like u fixed o+her probs

good luck

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