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a+ one s+age in our lives,we are all newbies

some of us ages ago,some mos+ recen+

i fall in 2 recen+ ca+agorie

since joining u ppl some 7-8m+hs ago,i feel now u have shared a weal+h of knowledge

2 +he poin+ where s+ill a newbie bu+ have ac+uallee learn+ some+hing (lewbie i spose)

since we're a+  +ime of ear where we share feelings ec+

i would like 2 +hank each and ev/one of u 4 broadening mi mind in process of canna cul+iva+ion

was in a dark place when came across u ppl,cancer recoveree,depression,chemo madness and radia+ion

u peeps showed me wi+hou+ judgemen+ or +all poppee sidrome and mainlee wi+h humour

+ha+ i+'s ok 2 be a fuck up and no ma++er how much life sux, some o+her poor bugger has worse probs


jus+ wanna sai +hrough all bullshi+ i've said, i find a real connec+ion wi+h u ppl ( even +he one who +old me---back in hole)

so +hank u ppl of ozs+oners (u know who u are) and mai nex+ 12m+hs be as uplif+ing and funnee as fuck as las+


i will now cease mi incoheren+ ramblings of crazee person


+ha+ is all


(half smashed bob )


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Onya Bobby!! I feel the love around here with u lot.. I'm very much a newbie, but feel confident and comfortable in the cyber presence amongst y'all!!


Looking forward for bigger and better things in the new year!


To u sir Bob and the other regular crew.. stay safe, merry Xmas! And best wishes for 2018!!


Remember... everything in moderation!! Fuck.. who am I kidding?? Get Amungst it guys!!



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

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All the best to you Bob, thought I knew a bit about growing untill I found this site one slow night at work and have learned quit a bit in that short time, lots of knowledge here so thanks to everyone. Have an awesome day everyone with family and friends and if out on the road stay safe all.



PS, hey Bob keep that keyboard bro I enjoy decifering your postsand getting used to it now. All the best to you and family



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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