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Gazza's Greenhouse

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Looking really nice in there gazza, bet you crack a smile every time you walk in there [emoji2]


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

fuck mate cracking fats atm lol, come to think of it I crack cold ones, crack skulls , crack the shits, crack jokes, I'm cracking on with it lol.


What a night I had last night, worked, played nine, went to that local pub that's been renovated. Foto the main bar order a beer, bat tender says heads or tails? I'm like wot u on love? She replies heads or tails, I'm like tails, she flips a coin tails it is u get the beer 4 free.


Smash down the pot, straight back to the bar, she goes same again, I reply yep, heads or tails, ? Tails beer for free again... played this game another 8 times and didn't pay for a single beer.


It gets better so I'm getting half cut I'm on about the fifth free beer by now, and the bar maids start walking around with platers of fried food. Hey love dig in it's on the house.

I was in my element boys free piss and food,


So the game at the bar is called toss the boss.

I'll be tossing the boss off every Friday from now I think. The golf was ok my putting is still shit house. But fuck I hit a good drive 250m average not bad for a hack.

Here's the free platter.





Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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