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Gazza's Greenhouse

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Fuck yeah the fan worked on them stupid hot days. I know another bloke on here told me to get a fan in there, thanks itchy. I cut a big hole out of the back wall to let the hot air out basically an exhaust. But yeah the fan kept the air moving around. Also that mate of mine who come of his Harley, his been committed to a psychiatric ward. So I'm going to rescue the poor fucker tomorrow after work. His tried to top himself. He obviously fucked that up too silly prick. Anyway his realization is his not as fucked up as he thought after seeing the real looney tunes in the joint his in.



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Looking great Gazza, when I had some in the yard I’d sleep on the lounge for the last 4 weeks jumping to anything and everything, fortunately never lost any

Good luck, it’s hard not to stress but as u know , it tastes all the sweeter



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tar mate, I'll be fucking glad when it's finished I can see why a lot of people move indoors so much more privacy and stealth.



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Yeah mate good on ya, had a few mates go down on bikes , most never ended well

Has 1 mate hit a kept left sign , lost arm , they re attached it but it was fucked , he suffered bad brain damage as well , couldn’t remember anyone

Poor bastard ended up getting run over at a roundabout and that was it

You must be a great mate, I’m sure he realises this really hope it works out for hom



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Yeah we've done some crazy shit together best one was at a slash concert in melbourne some rude prick wouldn't sit down so me mate throw the prick over the balcony at rod lava arena, his landed on some poor fuckers down below who proceeded to kick shit out of him cos they thought he jumped lol. His a true nut job but I love him.



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i think main thing to think about is higher humidity & less air movement


not to much of a prob in veg but good air movement is always good anytime


if you run power out there for a box fan or 2

don't use a bright orange power cable lying in the open on the ground

easy to see from the air


could also look into light deprivation using a greenhouse

enables you to finish at the peak of summer with hot dry conditions

you start the plant flowering , not mother nature by blacking out the greenhouse

for 12hrs everyday , i use 8:30 to 8:30 , depending when you start you may

need a lill extra light / flurro if daylight hours at the time don't reach 8:30

What would you use for light deprivation??




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Hey seasall


prob pander film , maybe a couple layers , poss even some sort of moisture absorbent material inner layer 

that's getting a bit fancy , but you do need to consider condensation build up on the under side & poss dripping on plants 

will also help with retaining heat if you were to start earlier in the season & cooler months or were able to grow all year round 

with some lights under there  as well 

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