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Gazza's Greenhouse

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go for it mate 

sounds good 


could use the greenhouse for a early harvest 


i've seen chooks setup in the middle with left & right chook runs , both planted with citrus 

let the chooks do there thing on the left run for a month then swap'em over to the right run for a month 


yeah any animal ends up food one way or another , if it's at the bottom of a hole or out the butt of another animal 

how you go about it is your call , for me i'd rather use a cover crop to drag up nutrients that are already there from

deep in the soil , chop & drop & get that nutrient cycle happening , plants want , need & attract what ever "they need" 

at any given point in time to grow & stay healthy , nothing wrong with whole fish or rabbit buried  , attracting composters

which is good , but i think plants would like something more dedicated to them & not just the composting process 


i like the idea of worm towers , in ground worm farm , i've seen a woman use a 20 liter bucket & lid 

drill heaps of holes in ya bucket Dear Liza , fill with whatever , fish , kitchen scraps , manure , although you could 

put a lill more thought into it & work out when will you use or what will you use the castings for & feed worms accordingly 

bury the buck to it's lid , the worms will find it , turn it to castings , once done pull out the bucket use the castings

refill & go again 


nothing to do with worm farms but check this dude out https://youtu.be/iX9mQNswJrw

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awesome info as usual itchy [emoji106] mate, was getting some coconut water today and seen watermelon water along side, ur thoughts on the melon water?

be lovely chilled on a hot day :)


sorry mate couldn't help myself 

can't say i know to much about melon water , except if your into KNF korean natural farming

melons turn up allot in fermented plant juice , fertilizer 


the diff with coconut water is coconut is a big bloody seed , water is start of life stuff 


Very clever and strategic. The ground I'll be working with has a lot of worms naturally in the ground, but if I dig a couple of feet down it's very clayey. I'm planning on going deep and putting gypsum in first to try and brake up the clay, then prep accordingly.



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ok cool 

you know your space so your best to know


but if you wanna try a small section instead of digging deep use daikon radish to break up the ground 

they are a big bloody root , nickname ground breaker i think , might be talkin tish 


used in fodder crops , cover crops & used to break ground up B4 planting beetroots or carrots 

never harvest just let them rot in the ground , feed soil life 

Edited by itchybromusic
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be lovely chilled on a hot day :)


sorry mate couldn't help myself

can't say i know to much about melon water , except if your into KNF korean natural farming

melons turn up allot in fermented plant juice , fertilizer


the diff with coconut water is coconut is a big bloody seed , water is start of life stuff


ok cool

you know your space so your best to know


but if you wanna try a small section instead of digging deep use daikon radish to break up the ground

they are a big bloody root , nickname ground breaker i think , might be talkin tish


used in fodder crops , cover crops & used to break ground up B4 planting beetroots or carrots

never harvest just let them rot in the ground , feed soil life

ill look into that, can u bit them as a seedling or do u grow them from seed?



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I love so many of those ideas but the reason i used the keep it simple stupid approach is mostly because ive had so much success using fish, other dead critters, compost, manures from my own chooks,earth worms ash from the fire place, rain water, pond water or fish shit water and there all organic but mostly because its also very cost effective cheap as chips really and not very time consuming as im very pressed for time all the time,this works best for me and the qaulity and quantity is always supreme, i also like the fact that once all these things go into ground that very little needs to be done through out the grow other than water and bug control,so i just thought id put forward my reasons why i do it this way just incase anyone was wondering and well for me the proofs in the end product which is big delicious buds that get smashed and my family medicated, im not putting down anyone elses methods not at all just sharing the reasons why this works for me and of course like itchys ways and many others ways its a matter of finding what works for you, cheers all,,GQ


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