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Gazza's Greenhouse

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 goodonya gazz,   the royal queen critical breeders pack and sales pitch says  they only get about 1.2 metres . ive never had one that small . ive run a few of now over the yrs . I  think by memory about 25 bags was my smallest yield,  love a feed .. my biggest prob has been keeping em getting to big . I have to keep about 7' high but I get em 8 or 9 '  across. Any hoe if you want any tips how I handle mine just ask mate.

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 yep mr pedro, royal queen way out on the critical. I got my first one as a freeby . 12 -14 ,that's just a dream here in the burbs   id love ta let some strains go to their full size,hieght. weight wise , but I'm in the city so size does matter. but three lb is  about the limit for me. love to be in the bush and grow me some real monsters mate.  so il have to stick with my city version of a monster .goodonya mate   mr pedro most of those pics was gazzas  , I only had a then and now pic of a bud .

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yep mr pedro, royal queen way out on the critical. I got my first one as a freeby . 12 -14 ,that's just a dream here in the burbs id love ta let some strains go to their full size,hieght. weight wise , but I'm in the city so size does matter. but three lb is about the limit for me. love to be in the bush and grow me some real monsters mate. so il have to stick with my city version of a monster .goodonya mate

maybe when u retire mate u can move out into the real Australia [emoji1037] and grow them monsters, do u know how much ya neighbors house sold for just so u have an idea what your sitting on?



Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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fuck lookin good gazz , remember how shit ya felt when you thought they was fucked . look at em now mate. gazz ,I'm from the bush far north nws where I was born military family moved a lot . but when I retire I'm outa the city full of scum.

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