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Curious about activity in your flowering tent at night time? Time laps

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For any keen grower with a few spare minutes, this video is pretty interesting. It was captured with a Xiaomi Xiaofang security camera featuring IR night illumination (doesn't seem to be doing the flowering plants any harm!) so you can watch the plants grow in the middle of their night. Mostly a bag seed 5L hempy bucket/SCROG (far corner of the tent) from F19 to F26 with a couple of other smaller hempy pots at about F9-F16. The main hempy bucket shows the development of 40 or 50 flowering bud sites and has a 1ft by 1.5ft steel mesh screen buried under the canopy.


You've all seen day time time lapses showing how the fans move to gather maximum light exposure but you may not have seen how much growth takes place in the night - watching leaves swell as water is pumped into them is really amazing.


To set the scale, it's an 80CM square tent and the duration of the video is 7 days and nights. The SCROG was in veg for far too long recovering from broad mites. Still has some but damage is minimal now with predatory mites on the job...



Edited by doctor_nelson
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cool vid mate 

i'll tell you what i noticed 


they went to sleep , for one of a better term , after lights went out 

outdoors they do that allot earlier  


i've been wanting to be able to fade lights on & fade them out like sunrise / sunset 

cos i wonder how much of the night cycle / night processors they miss 

out on by not getting the trigger of sun rising & setting 


cool stuff anyway mate 

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cool vid mate

i'll tell you what i noticed


they went to sleep , for one of a better term , after lights went out

outdoors they do that allot earlier


i've been wanting to be able to fade lights on & fade them out like sunrise / sunset

cos i wonder how much of the night cycle / night processors they miss

out on by not getting the trigger of sun rising & setting


cool stuff anyway mate

Often wondered this myself, the fading in and out of light, might also save a bit of power...

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That's why I went 6/2 cycle itchy , 2 days in n I can see the difference



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

yeah been interesting to watch


Often wondered this myself, the fading in and out of light, might also save a bit of power...

yeah add to that some morning & evening red LED's to simulate the same thing 


you know if you buy nanolux ballast that come with a dimmer you can buy a system controller

that will let you set up not only fade in & out but having a max powder in the middle of a day cycle 

basically your able to control ballast power for the whole cycle , 12/12 or 18/6 = no more timers hanging off power points 


there called DTU  Data Transfer Unit https://www.hydroexperts.com.au/Nanolux-Cloud-Control-NCCS-Data-Transfer-Unit-DTU 

& a RTU Remote Terminal Unit https://www.hydroexperts.com.au/Nanolux-Cloud-Control-NCCS-Remote-Terminal-Unit-RTU

you need 1 DTU & as many RTU's as you have ballasts , they say they will be adding control for other things like in/out fans 

air con dehue ect ect 

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Oddly enough been running little red led 15 mins either side of lights on lights off



Sent from my iPhone using OZ Stoners

yeah there's a couple of papers on the subject if you search google scholar

i remember seeing a vid of an Asian guy testing the effects indoor using red light 

morning & night  , was finding the plants got more work done in there night cycle with the red lights added 

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yeah been interesting to watch



yeah add to that some morning & evening red LED's to simulate the same thing


you know if you buy nanolux ballast that come with a dimmer you can buy a system controller

that will let you set up not only fade in & out but having a max powder in the middle of a day cycle

basically your able to control ballast power for the whole cycle , 12/12 or 18/6 = no more timers hanging off power points


there called DTU Data Transfer Unit https://www.hydroexperts.com.au/Nanolux-Cloud-Control-NCCS-Data-Transfer-Unit-DTU

& a RTU Remote Terminal Unit https://www.hydroexperts.com.au/Nanolux-Cloud-Control-NCCS-Remote-Terminal-Unit-RTU

you need 1 DTU & as many RTU's as you have ballasts , they say they will be adding control for other things like in/out fans

air con dehue ect ect


I know it's all fun and interesting but doesn't anyone think all these fine points about different light cycles is like guilding the lily?


It's really the very last 0.1% of finesse. Simulating sunrise and set etc... if the plants were that sensitive to shit and give you a bit more “x” for all the effort, then you'd think they would have figured out by now that they were living indoors in someone's shitty house somewhere.


I personally believe alot of this sort of stuff is hocus pocus and alchemy but I'm a pretty practical person. I see the plants as simply chemical factories run by biological fuel system. Light + h2o + co2 = sugars and from that comes everything else.


Maybe I'm just getting too cynical in old age.

Edited by eyesonly
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