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First time noob grower

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Hi All,


first time grower here, im trying to collect and by things that i need to grow but i tend to overthink as its my first time and don't really know any better been watching and reading how to grow but got confuse in the end??.


would really appreciate some little advise from the 420 masters. [emoji1]


below are are things that i already bought


- viparspectra 900w LeD

- 100 x 100 x 200 grow tent

- organic soil / organic seed raising soil

- pot

- perlite

- seaweed extract

- fan

- fan filter duct system 8"

- acurite


contemplating on the 900w LEd that i bought? i think its a bit overkill?


planning to plant 3 seeds i guess?


i know this is a dumb question but what light can i use once the seedling sprouts? i know the 900w led would be overkill to use,


you've probably read and heard about this a million times but i would really appreciate the advise.


happy 420 everyone [emoji111]❤️







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do ask all ques+ions u have 2 budd

bes+ road 2 + ravel 4 knowledge

hope u unders+and bloodi keeboard has had dick

ge+  cfl's righ+ down on seedlings probs 2 inchs

when u wa+er  jus couple goes wi+h sprai bo++le

no fer+  4 couple wks    wa+ered down seaweed ex should be fine +p h wa+er around 6.2

sounds like u have all u need 2 grow fores+s ma+e

good luck



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do ask all ques+ions u have 2 budd

bes+ road 2 + ravel 4 knowledge

hope u unders+and bloodi keeboard has had dick

ge+ cfl's righ+ down on seedlings probs 2 inchs

when u wa+er jus couple goes wi+h sprai bo++le

no fer+ 4 couple wks wa+ered down seaweed ex should be fine +p h wa+er around 6.2

sounds like u have all u need 2 grow fores+s ma+e

good luck



amazing!. yea i do understand for some reason i thought i was triping out lol!.


ill take some pictures and see how i progress.


thanks again for the tip and advise!. soo stoke excited and happy man!!



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well personel like, when germed and placed in media some ppl fun 24-0 un+il popped and firs+ serra+ed leaves open

af+er +ha+ drop back 18 on and 6 off 2 help grow roo+s

i +hink +ha+s  s+andard procedure, more u read, more u learn

some ppl run 12-12 from s+ar+ 2 finish

wha+ever u feel comfor+able wi+h freind

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