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To all that are able to help me



My plant, approximately 6 weeks old is well in the process of flowering.


The summer is coming, days are getting longer, so why is this happening?


Already the plant is slowing in growth and is getting bushier around the flowers.


If need be i can post photos, but believe me they are not doubt going to be buds?



Any ideas? any hormones or fertizliers i can use to get it to reveg ?


OR, if i leave it, can the buds just be outgrown, or do they have to be manually picked off before the plant goes into reveg.


Any help will be muchly appreciated



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id say u started your plants a lil early maybe and there getting the last of the short days which is making them flower, if there in pots try to bring them inside at dusk and put a few fluros over them for another week or so then chuck them outdoors, if the buds are forming to much and there in soil i would try topping the main growth off the plant that gets most light, where the buds are more developed and reveging the lower less developed bud which should grow alot quicker after the top is removed, ive done this once now and worked a treat.
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To all that are able to help me

My plant, approximately 6 weeks old is well in the process of flowering.


The summer is coming, days are getting longer, so why is this happening?


Already the plant is slowing in growth and is getting bushier around the flowers.


If need be i can post photos, but believe me they are not doubt going to be buds?

Any ideas? any hormones or fertizliers i can use to get it to reveg ?


OR, if i leave it, can the buds just be outgrown, or do they have to be manually picked off before the plant goes into reveg.


Any help will be muchly appreciated



If you have it in good sunlight ,I would let it grow. I think this plant is ouside correct? If so mother nature will take care of it.I reveg a budded out plant this year here in the US and it done great.The buds had the best taste of all my plants...Good luck


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A marijuana plant will start to flower when the nights are getting longer,

If you give it more light it will stop flowering and start to grow again.

The bringing it indoors idea is perfect,it doesnt need ventilation in the dark. Unless the flowers are formed and you could get mould.

To make a plant start to flower you have to make it around 12/12.


No hormones or anything like that will work to make it stop flowering and start vegging. Although you can get stuff that makes hermi and males flowers die.

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Hey Wilderbud.

What hormones etc were you thinking of?? As far as I knew the flowering responce was purely due to the length of the dark period. unless it has ruderellis in it.


I looked up that Nitrozyme and it claims that it will not stop the plant flowering and start to grow.

it says "Timing of the application is essential. If you apply a hormone to a plant, the result will be stimulated growth of the type which the plant is currently undergoing. If the plant is forming roots, more root growth can occur. If tillering is underway, more tillers will be formed. If stem growth is in progress, that is what will occur. If flowering is in progress more flowering will occur."


I just assume that the manufactureknows his product when stating that if its flowering and you add Nitrozyme then you get MORE flowering. "


I have never used it though, I know if you add heaps of nitrogen then it will start growing again, but it wont stop flowering to do this.





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