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State of Origin - The Great Sal Grow Off!


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Queenslander! Queenslander! Queenslander!


Did I mention that us Queenslander's are the best. Especially us SEQ, in the subtropics where you try and keep em small but your sativas still grow 18ft high.


I was hoping to make it too nimbin this year to smoke some of GQ's weed but it's probably a little too strong for my liking. I can't touch sativa's these days without getting a little paranoid and delusional. However, that being said, if it's predominantly indica and it's got some CBD i've never had a problem with having a smoke. ;)


Everything in moderation people, it's all about moderation.


Much love people,



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i took some indica with me pippin, gotta cater to all needs lol maybe next year, depends where i am i suppose, im seriously thinkin about going back to far north qld but im not sure yet, ive at least go to wait till Christmas as my daughter is doing her year ten certificate and i dont wanna pull her to another school before she completes that, but after that im free to go where ever i choose, problem is im not really sure where i want to be but i know its not here, im ready to move on to more new and exciting things


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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You had Indica with you! (Shoots oneself in the face)


maybe next year? (Shoots oneself in the face again at the thought of the Queen not making it Nimbin)


Have you considered moving to Brisbane?


I hope you find the place your looking for GQ, i'm not discrediting the Far-North, I love it up there. I make it up to the Daintree at least once a year cause the Oldman has a property there and I love it.

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no brisy is too big and to busy and to humid for me, i dont mind a visit but couldn't live there, yes i love the daintree area it is so beautiful, we do a trip to cape tribulation every couple of years, i love my fishing and the fishing up north is hard to beat lol its a tropical paradise everywhere up north, i use to live at herberton the growing conditions are perfect for canna there


Posted from the OZ Stoners mobile app

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Yeah everywhere up North is good for canna. You can grow all year round with no problems. They don't grow as big as down here because it's tropical and you have to watch out for mold. But yeah, great place to grow pot.


The Daintree aint the best place to grow up North cause it's mostly rainforest. But some folk like to climb tree's and hoist plants up to the canopy for better light. I've never tried that personally.


I love the Daintree, it's definately my favourite place i've been to in all of Australia, The deep fresh water lagoons with tropical fish that swim through it and the world heritage rainforest that meets the white sandy beaches, that then meets the tropical waters with reef. Ah wish I was there right now.


I'm a fruit nut as well. Love my fruit and boy do they have nice fruit up there. Every type of fruit you can imagine, tropical varites that never hit the stores down here. Yum Yum

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